Friday, January 23, 2015

Walk through the main competition section

Between 28 August and 7 September, the eyes of the world are upon the film to the public in Venice. The reason is, of course, the jubilee 70th edition of the famous film festival, which in the main competition section brings 20 films in the competition section of Horizon i wanna go mp3 has classified 17 films. Like every year, this year also catered for quality izventekmovalni program, i wanna go mp3 which found 17 titles (10 feature films and documentaries 7). From the noncompetitive program comes as the opening film of the Mexican director Alfonso Cuarona, sci-fi drama Gravity, Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in the lead roles. i wanna go mp3
Walk through the main competition section'm starting a Taiwanese film Stray Dogs (Jiaoyou) by signing an old acquaintance of Venice, Tsai Ming-liang, who in their cabinets has several Venetian awards, including the prestigious - Golden Lion in 1994 for Vive L ' Amour (Ai qing wan sui). That year was awarded with two gold lion and Tsai Ming-liang podium to share with MILCOM Mančevskim (Before the Rain). This time we Ming-liang brings the story of the difficult life of a father and his two children on the streets of Taiwan's capital city Taipei.
We remain in Asia and is moving from Taiwan to Japan, whence The Wind Rises, the latest creations of the great masters of the Japanese animated film Hayaoja Miyazaki, who will be in Venice presented the story of the life jira Horikoshija, one of the largest aviation constructors in history among other things, created an army aircraft Mitsubishi A6M Zero, which are Japanese Americans i wanna go mp3 get on their knees in Pearl Harbor.
Among the most interesting titles competition program i wanna go mp3 without doubt one of the Philomena, a new film by Stephen Frears famous, in which Steve Coogan i wanna go mp3 plays a political journalist who investigates the story of Phil (played by Judi Dench), a woman who fifty years ago was forced to submit a new-born child for adoption. Next fifty years the unhappy woman unsuccessfully trying to track down his offspring.
The eccentric computer genius working on a revolutionary project, which aims at nothing less than the illumination of the essence of human existence. His constant efforts hampered i wanna go mp3 by superiors who want the project to distract attention from the young pripadnico the fairer sex. These lines summarize the film The Zero Theorem, new creations by Terry Gilliam, which follows the first, it works very interesting.
Kelly Reichardt will present his fifth feature film, Night Moves, the story of three environmental activists who are preparing for a very radical action - they want to blow up large hydropower dam, a symbol of energy-wasting social i wanna go mp3 structure, which greatly despised.
David Gordon Green's early career promise, but then somehow strayed from the path, started recording nonsense type Your Highness and the infamous period of his career seemed to be completely lost the compass. His latest creations bring a creative awakening and Joe will, I hope, confirmed such thinking. The title role will be to watch Nick Cage, who every now and then selects the film, which proves i wanna go mp3 its quality. According to Joe the Cage UNOVA returned to the recording subprime films again and will have to wait a few years of his noteworthy role.
Section Horizon is generally aimed at new tendencies in world cinema and here it is much more difficult to predict which films will leave the deepest mark. Among the potentially interesting titles is certainly one of the new film Sona Zion Why Do not You Play in Hell? (Jigoku de naze Warui), then there is the French drama Eastern Boys by signing Robin Campillo. Lukas Moodysson certainly will not be disappointed with the drama We Are the Best! (Vi är Basta!). Italian director Andrea Segre (My name is Li) will be presented by La prima neve, another story in an interesting way to talk about the integration of immigrants in the Italian environment. In Venice will be his new film (The Sacrament) presented the American director i wanna go mp3 of The West, which has brought much-needed freshness to tired horror genre. A great deal of interest will surely be attracted i wanna go mp3 Palo Alto, mainly because it signed by another debutante with the famous surname (Gia Coppola).
Finally, a look at the news that they will spin out of racing competition. Among them is interesting how The Armstrong Lie, the new film overactive documentarist Alexa Gibneyja, which express respond to current events and stories set in the center of a recent scandal dopniška former cycling ace Lance Armstrong. Andrzej Wajda will present a biographical story of Nobel Prize winner i wanna go mp3 Lech Walesa, last year's i wanna go mp3 winner Kim Ki-Duk will present Moebius, due to provocative content still beats battle with South Korean censors. Interesting could also Locke, renowned British film screenwriter Steven Knight, in which the main role is played by Tom Hardy, horror fans will surely be interested in continuing bestseller Wolf Creek

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