Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Rydberg Tribune has since 2009 been a platform for students at Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium Odenpla

I read an article the other day about how today's young people are becoming less literate and thought "Nah what a shame." Or, okay. Actually, I thought, "Serves them right", but it's not particularly pk. The combination of the article and the fact that a new week is coming and with it a new chronicle leads to this. A chronicle of some of history's most influential people.
Married with a bunch of women (at different times, of course, Henry was not fucking on with polygamy), beheaded two, divorced with two, one died, did the half knocked up, made himself the boss of the Church of England and ruled the country at the same time . You get ulcers for less.
One would think that Woody Allen's son would not have been honored with good genes appearance. Fortunately, he has his mother's traits. Her mother's intelligence. And his mother's hello kitty cafe personality. Stylish activist who got into Yale Law 16 years old and is the 2012 Rhodes Scholar = enter the list and my heart.
The first time I saw him I thought for half a second that his English was a parody of Swedes. Then I realized that it actually was as he talked. Creator of the Gapminder hello kitty cafe and the man behind some of TED's best lectures deserves a place on the list.
Wrote Inferno. The hell with the funnel where the last level was designed types of Judah. Dante had however written it today had last level intented for Judas, SL and pig who decided to raise the price of Piggelin. Piggelin will cost SEK 6. SEX (!) Swedish crowns and nothing hello kitty cafe else.
Low with her mother. Then he got a hell of a lot of anxiety and since Greek mythology did not have much sympathy for CBT (mostly because they did not know what CBT was for something) so he did the next best thing, and Greek mythology counterpart, instead. Poked out his eyes. Like a BAWS.
German Chancellor who is also the G [insert hello kitty cafe any number] and the EU's unofficial dictator. Next in line to receive a dose of "You iz going down you cönzervativv pig" (hopefully less diplomatically). If everything goes well understood.
There is something somewhat alarming in that the American people chose an ex-alcoholic (who then became one bordering on fanatical Christian, and stated hello kitty cafe that he spoke with God in the White House) president not once but twice. In Sweden, we will refer people with such hallucinations to psych. In the US, the country behind Britney Spears and baconnaise, allows them to control the most powerful country in the world. hello kitty cafe
Composer who began to compose at the age of five. When I was five so was my favorite show Scooby Doo because I liked the idea of 'talking dogs. Now I'm nineteen. At the age of nineteen hello kitty cafe had Mozart composed 33 symphonies. And I? I still like the idea of 'talking dogs.
"Who is Christopher Columbus dad?" I asked my dad when I was in primary school. "An overrated man who did not know the basic fundamentals of how to use either the map or compass," was the reply.
Dude that gave loose fit a whole new meaning. Hobbies was to perform tricks with water, like walking on it or turn it into wine. Most famous trick however is to die and then be resurrected. No one knows how he did. Most fundamental rule in the magic world is to never, ever, at all, under any circumstances reveal their tricks. Pfft. Everyone knows that.
French writer known for his novel In Search of Lost Time, sickly long sentences and that he himself was sickly hypochondriac. Apparently he lay mostly just in bed and thought well that he had Ebola or something.
Wandered in the desert hello kitty cafe for 40 years for the bastard did not want to ask someone for directions. Also known for having driven a stick into the ground and so ba divided hello kitty cafe the Red Sea on themselves. I tested it once. Did not work.
Do not you know who he is should you take you back to Earth where gravity is. Before Isaac floated we mostly just about. Since an apple fell down on / beside / below / him and he ba "YES. GRAVITY! ". Since then, mankind has been able to walk on the ground.
Writes columns. And do it well. Edward Ekstedt
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The Rydberg Tribune has since 2009 been a platform for students at Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium Odenplan. 2013 began also

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