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[4] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan Grisznak [*], 06.05.2009, 10:57:4

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Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan Author: scooby doo dvd Joe Date: 06.05.2009, 10:22:36 scooby doo dvd p.m. Paul "Mr Jedi" Musiałowski, founder and director of Anime Gate, mysteriously ended cooperation with the company. On the publisher does not have any information on this topic, disappeared from the contact data of Paul and Margaret "Seriki" Gajderowicz, and appeared in the name of the new manager, who was Adam "Akashi Moria" Bochiński. At the forum, Adam Bochiński wrote a few words about myself, but did not address the causes of changes in personnel. A little more light on the situation Paul throws mail sent to colleagues and friends. Although not given the exact reasons, it implies that the parting was not held in a peaceful atmosphere. In addition, Mr. Jedi announces scooby doo dvd that it intends to take up the realization of another idea, this time on their own. Within a month, at is to start page of his new company. The whole situation is surprising and unpleasant. On the one hand, Mr Jedi had to say goodbye to his "child" of the other Anime Gate lost their boss, who performed his job with passion. I do not feel strong enough to speculate on the causes and effects, but it seems to me that heard black scenarios ("Vision wants to close the Anime Gate") were likely. I think the effects of further information and you will not have to wait long. I also hope that when the dust settles scooby doo dvd and the emotions to cool it all will work out fine. While I like and respect Paul, I do not think that Anime Gate without him was doomed to failure. I keep my fingers crossed for it also to his new project went to him no worse than Anime Gate.
Our publications: Blow anime store Vision Film (Nius) Japan after the disaster through the eyes of Mr Jediego scooby doo dvd (Nius) End Anime Gate - confirmed (Nius) Disturbing news from Anime Gate (Nius) Market summary of the Month - Anime in October '10 (Nius) Acquisition Kaze by Vision officially (Nius) Details of the release of "Moonlight Mile" (Nius) Market summary of the Month - Anime in August '10 (Nius) Evangelion: (No) are alone 1.11 (text) UPDATE: Evangelion at Dawn (Nius)
[2] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan AtoMan [*], 06.05.2009, 10:36:40 p.m., the answer to # 1, Rating: +0 -0 And how can it? Rather not particularly, at least what is planned. Perhaps Mr Jedi chose several titles that proved a flop ...
[46] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan richie [*], 07.05.2009, 7:32:15 p.m., the answer to # 2, Rating: +0 -0 Or at least finally learn how to do the correct conversion from NTSC to PAL, not zarzynając quality issued his films ...?
[3] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan Future [*], 06.05.2009, 10:39:04 p.m., Rating: +1 -0 If I had a deja vu ... The mysterious circumstances of Mr Jedi leaves and appears someone new. Anyway, I'm curious about the new project.
[186] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan artificial fan [*], 09.05.2009, 4:49:46 p.m., the answer to # 178, Rating: +0 -0 Where there! scooby doo dvd Paprikash scooby doo dvd Szczecin Szczecin is more than sausage Krakow is Krakow. Read yourself, mountain bike.
[188] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan Michio [*], 09.05.2009, 5:37:47 p.m., the answer to # 186, Rating: +0 -0 Today Gelding scooby doo dvd Heineken cook paprikas scooby doo dvd in such wieeeelkim boiler.
[198] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan artificial fan [*], 10.05.2009, 1:11:13 p.m., the answer to # 192, Rating: +0 -0 O? Ha, maybe they used fresh fish! Zdziwniej and zdziwniej.
[240] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan artificial fan [*], 13.05.2009, 6:32:24, the answer to # 212, Rating: +0 -0 fish is as a woman, Frohiku. Best served right out of the water.
[4] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan Grisznak [*], 06.05.2009, 10:57:40 p.m., Rating: +0 -0 Hmmm ... AG seemed almost exclusively shoneny may, in Finally someone in the company realized that they offer devilishly monothematic? And now we have Kawaii - Reanimation. What is it this time? Magazine? Manga? Anime? Badge?
[7] Re: Anime Gate replaced Jediego young Padawan AvantaR [*], 07.05.2009, 0:05:19, the answer to # 4, Rating: +1 -1 matter, soil, something that will Continue doing. What not to say about Dżedaju - dude has a passion scooby doo dvd and do not give up. Had not he does not know how to now our world of manga look. Both in terms of the same Kawaii and AG.

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