Thursday, June 26, 2014

Very rarely we come across something that is unique. Non-recovery recovery recovery. Especially tod

Very rarely we come across something that is unique. Non-recovery recovery recovery. Especially today, when it seems the only remaining boundaries to break the film medium, are the precision of the special effects in movies bombastic overblown, not promoting the film anywhere, he was not in it at the beginning of the last century - a total entertainment experience momentary and transient. Enter the Void, a film The last of Gaspar Noe, however, naruto shippuden episode 240 is a work that stretches the boundaries of the medium to new places using technology tools new, utilized here the creation of a new viewing experience as never seen until now (and I do not mean something like Avatar.) is one of the films most beautiful naruto shippuden episode 240 and the most sensual I've ever seen. filled with brilliantly visual and a mesmerizing and addictive pace. trust me - if you love him or not - sure you never have seen anything like that.
Creating naruto shippuden episode 240 a unique experience here is a perspective naruto shippuden episode 240 film effort - the film is told entirely from the perspective of the protagonist, Oscar. But not here all his strength, as past experience has been proved that the method of this kind of story is not suitable for the story to the screen in a way that will limit the creator and / or be a burden on the viewer. Power is that by expanding the concept of "point of view", Noah makes it the story itself, and the medium of film the perfect way to tell it.
The film takes place entirely naruto shippuden episode 240 at night, the bright neon lights and dark Hmoaodonim Tokyo. Meticulous design of night city with colorful sick and Hmhvat her pushing the entire film into the boundaries of spilled delusional dream into reality. Type of Blade Runner naruto shippuden episode 240 on hallucinogenic mushrooms. And really that Tokyo had never shown the light of day and the only time you see the film heater is Oscar's childhood memories. Oscar is a troubled boy and a loner who finds solace seductive streets of the city and various hallucinogenic drugs has to offer. His only friends are Alex, a French painter, and his sister Linda, which is close to the point of sickly. Oscar indulging in this lifestyle Trainspotting naruto shippuden episode 240 and soon becomes a drug dealer. Linda finds a job at a strip club and going out with the club manager. Unexpected murder of Oscar by the police undermines the reality. But despite his death, Oscar remains to function as a hero of the film. Here begin the explanations:
Map on which we must examine the film is a Book of the Dead Brigade, as explained by Alex at the beginning of the film. Whereby, the book describes the journey of the soul from the body part with death (the ultimate trip - as he sums it up): First she watches all her life again, then she wanders between places and people recognized them until wanderlust becomes L"trif bad " and mind must eventually reincarnate into the world of the living. This process also passes his Oscar. The process divides the film into three parts: living / View re / mind wanders (and it really does not matter if some of them occur only in the imagination of the Oscar).
Right after the opening titles epileptic, that give an immediate sense of the experience that goes come in their wake, we enter behind Alex's eyes and begin to share his experiences., But if you thought that only two thirds of the film becomes more surreal then you are wrong. Oscar cares about the beginning of the film has been smoking some hallucinogens, making the "point of view" something unusual in the beginning (which also helps to switch the two modes after). Indeed, the film devotes himself totally and admirable point of view. Including slurps, thoughts and fantasies Hmstltot their minds with blind eyes. Although we did not see the Oscar, we begin to identify with and adopt the mindset. Color confusion surrounds this from stress and panic encounter with the police.
There is no doubt that this film is the closest thing you can imagine a real trip experience, and as such is amazing and something that had not seen until now. Lyric poetry is not the issue, but the experience itself. Not just an experience, but an experience Trnstzdntlit in first. There is no doubt that the director had experienced past hallucinatory drugs. I've never seen a more tangible expression of their effects (not embarrassing view) and you've never seen a more correct way to do it.
The second part of the film starts as stated after the death of Oscar, and re-shifting stage in his life. Transition cinematography here is nothing less than genius. If before we saw what Oscar sees, now we see the Oscar sees. Direct perspective of Oscar we take a step back and look at the back of Oscar at different moments of his life. Style reminiscent perhaps of the brothers movies Durden or the Wrestler of R u Nofsky. As if the soul of Oscar Oscar Viewing living his life. [According to the director, the reason for the change in this perspective, is the fact that this is always dreaming of his dreams - if watching himself. No doubt this is not just a nice explanation, but also, oddly enough, makes sense] naruto shippuden episode 240 Although wandering around various scenes that make up the life perhaps rests on psychological imagery worn unique cinematic language gives a new twist to it all kind of unknown causes naruto shippuden episode 240 us to look at familiar things differently ., and us, is not that the purpose of art?
The third part presents the point of view of a soul wandering Oscar. Liberation from the life-of perspective through which we experience the film, the camera brings liberation naruto shippuden episode 240 of the logical laws of physics. There is no blinking and no thoughts, and the camera is completely boundless, floating mesmerizing fluid movements across rooftops and through walls, naruto shippuden episode 240 over the people, by, through and within them. This is probably the least accessible part of the film, but right here is perhaps the greatest achievement of his film. That despite our perspective chained figure we do not see or hear it, we still manage to feel it; Her movements cause our emotional fluctuations. Helplessness, confusion, fear, longing, regrets - all these feelings going through the Oscar and spectators. We are there with Oscar, experience Mnadi emotion, his attempts to escape naruto shippuden episode 240 reality, attempts to find intimacy, the failures,

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