Monday, June 9, 2014

Note that this has been documented to answer many questions and true / false accusations aladdin mo

Pages: 142
I've only ever read a historical novel related Shamsiah Fakeh (SF), which Shamsiah Fakeh: Fighter, Female Leaders and writings Azzah AR. In contrast to the above book (originally published by the National University of Malaysia in 2004 and the new edition published by SIRD in 2007), it is the result of his own SF entry was written in May 1991 and completed on June 17, 2002. This is what motivates me to continue reading , would like to know the last event of the owners themselves.
History is written by the people. We must stick to the facts (reality) is really going on at the time and circumstances and the situation at that time. The key is to make a clear delineation between pre-independence aladdin movie (ages colonized aladdin movie by the British imperialists) and the time after independence. Mencampuradukkannya make a mistake. We must know the enemy and allies. United Front (Front Association) is not the same between this time and the past time that depends on the STATE, TIME and PLACE.
Note biographies SF begins by telling his background. Who was born in Roaring Village, New Segment of. He began to be attracted aladdin movie to the struggle for independence from British colonial rule at school in Klang, aladdin movie Selangor.
He then chooses the Malay Nationalist Party (PKMM) as a means of struggle. At that time there were two nationalist aladdin movie parties that PKMM (considered politically left) and UMNO (considered right direction). Why did he not choose UMNO? Because UMNO led by aristocrats / Malay elite at the time, stand to cooperate with the British and against the leftist national organizations.
SF subsequently became chief CAUTION (Women Conscious Force), the women wing of PKMM in 1947. Colonial British subsequently declared the Emergency Law in June 1948. It thus has banned leftist parties and thousands of freedom fighters were arrested, detained in prison, aladdin movie exiled and sentenced to hang. Since the moment that's the beginning of the armed struggle era for SF. He managed to hide from the arrest of the British and joined the CPM (Communist Party), which is the only party at that time, willing to lead the armed struggle. In May 1949, the CPM formed 10TH REGIMENT in which all members are Malays.
In April 1957, the Foundation and several members of the 10th Regiment had been sent by the MCP to China to study. It aims to raise the standard of ideology and theory for the long-term needs. However in 1968, the Foundation has been fired from a member of the CPM (due to internal unrest).
Who are the terrorists? The British accused the fighters who took up arms in the forest as a "terrorist Communists'. Such was the colonial tactics to bring the brave freedom fighters of our strong against the colonial power. In addition to quite a lot of the military, colonial sophisticated weapons against a team of people including dropping bombs and firing with machine guns. The truth is that the British colonial really terrorists. They burned the house of the people and the army have raped our Malay women in the villages. (Page 62)
Major hostilities were launched armed struggle against British colonial rule which simply hostile to the British. How can it be so, then we or the CPM may be hostile to the government? In terms of the historical facts we can see why the government of the newly independent Malaya took over from the British Communist eradicate. In other words, the government of independent Malaya inherited the British colonial nature to be rid of the Communist Party and the National Liberation Army (TPNM). Therefore it is clear that hostilities continued until 41 years of time-consuming until December 2, 1989, then the hostilities ended with the signing of Haadyai. (Page 122)
Note that this has been documented to answer many questions and true / false accusations aladdin movie by some of SF. For me, it is not just a biography notes SF but it is part of the historical facts that are not in school textbooks. I'm not a historian, but rather an interest in history. Also I was not at the point of the (British colonial). It is not appropriate for me to assess whether SF is a fighter or terrorist. What I know for sure, he has contributed to the independence of our country. It was not just because he was a member of the CPM (which is considered a terrorist), then we forget that he once fought under PKMM / ALERT. Her indomitable spirit and sacrifice

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