Thursday, June 5, 2014

Action weather elements have created various forms of the earth

Candidates should be able to:
- Exchange rate adiabatic
Candidates should be able to:
The atmosphere is a thin layer of gas without odor, color and taste that is above the surface of the earth disebabkanoleh gravitational attraction of the earth. "
In this area there noktilusen cloud.
enters the atmosphere through the action of marine life and terrestrial organisms.
global warming
Known as the aerosol material, including dust, smoke, salt particles, soil particles, and dust galiandaripada dry combustion, carbon and volcanic dust.
Action weather elements have created various forms of the earth's surface is constantly changing tanpamengira time and place.
Metal mining and ore deposits associated with the accumulation of metals by chemical reaction therewith into the rocks.
Earth's atmosphere is always changing continuously. Humans have to adapt to each change that is not affected by extreme kung fu panda full movie perubahantersebut
thermal energy is increased, then the air will be hot and the temperature index
in the air compared to the amount kung fu panda full movie of water vapor that can be supported by air
normal air pressure is about 1:03 kg/cm2 for each surface
ROLE OF ATMOSPHERIC 1. Dear Biological Oxygen - a supporter of all life on earth. 2. Shaping the contours of the earth's surface weather occurrence such as wind, rain and runoff. Action weather elements has created a variety of ever-changing surface of the earth regardless of time and place. 3. Wealth natural metal mining and ore deposits associated with the accumulation of metals by chemical kung fu panda full movie action kung fu panda full movie of rain water into the rock. 4. Trading / Trader recreational use of old sailboat requires wind. 5. Develop and weather affect substantially the atmosphere of the earth is always changing continuously. Humans have to adapt to each change kung fu panda full movie that is not affected by extreme changes. ATMOSPHERIC SYSTEM: DESCRIPTION OF ELEMENTS OF CLIMATE
Balance Concept extreme extreme amount of radiation received by the earth from the sun through short waves equal to the amount of radiation emitted by the earth through long waves. a) record the temperature distribution in a horizontal r temperature differences between one place to another on the surface of the earth. b) vertical temperature distribution temperature changes that occur in the atmosphere with altitude in an air parcel. B) FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION HORIZONTAL natural 1.Tumbuhan many areas of the plant - a lower temperature. Reducing extreme sunlight reaching the earth's surface. 2. Cloud cloud covered many areas - lower temperature. Cloud will reverse and soak up some sun extreme. 3. Ocean currents Ocean currents have the ability to transfer heat - type currents will affect coastal temperatures. For example Telukan current carries heat from the tropics kung fu panda full movie to temperate regions. 4.Perbezaan surface Albedo determine jumlan extreme surface is absorbed by the earth. High albedo will cause the temperature in the area was low. The high 5.Ketinggian will experience lower temperatures. C) FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE 1. Pressure air 2. Temperature of the surface If the surface temperatures cooler than the temperature of the atmosphere it will cool the atmosphere near the earth. Genesis wake temperature will occur. Relatively higher in the higher atmospheric temperature. 3. Atmospheric layer in the troposphere layer, the vertical temperature distribution is decreasing with altitude. The stratospheric layer the temperature was rising with altitude. 4. Atmospheric content) atmospheric moisture 1.Lembapan kung fu panda full movie atmospheric kung fu panda full movie water vapor content in the atmosphere. 2.Kelembapan absolute amount of water vapor in a volume of water. (G/m3) 3. Specific humidity The mass of water vapor per kilogram of air. 4. Relative humidity ratio of the actual amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount kung fu panda full movie of water vapor that can be supported by the air at a specific temperature. E) PROCESSES atmospheric moisture kung fu panda full movie 1.Sejatan cecai Process

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