Monday, June 9, 2014

Mustafa Kamal Attaturk who was given the title of al-Ghazi (the fight). Attaturk word meaning fathe

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Date March 3rd, 1924, begins the sacred date, date of grief and disaster date for all muslims due to the fall in the hands of the Caliphate Islamiyah cars 2 film MUSTAFA KAMAL AL-TARTUK .. On this day, 87 years ago also marked the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate, which at that time , were no longer in full force on earth God. On this date, marking the end of Muslim cars 2 film governmental authority which had been founded since the days of Prophet again, Allahu akbar!
Mustafa Kamal Attaturk who was given the title of al-Ghazi (the fight). Attaturk word meaning father of the Turks. Attaturk is the person responsible for demolition of Turkish-Islamic Caliphate in the year 1343H (1924M). He was born in the year 1299H (1880M) in the city of Salonika, Greece, who was a vassal of the Ottoman Caliphate.
He is Mastafa Kemal Ataturk, who was given the title of al-Ghazi (the fight). Words of Ataturk means father of the Turks. Artaturk is the person responsible for demolition of Turkish-Islamic Caliphate in the year 1343H (1924M).
He was born in the year 1299H (1880M) in the city of Salonika, Greece, who was a vassal of the Ottoman Caliphate. His father Ali Reda Afandi, working cars 2 film as a guard at the Customs department. Some say whom he studied the stepfather Ataturk and not the biological father. . Some also say Ataturk by mathematics teacher named Mustafa. Mustafa Ataturk attached to the school which is a military high school and at that moment he was impressed cars 2 film with abilities in mathematics Ataturk and suggested the name of Mustafa Kamal. cars 2 film HS Armstrong, one of the assistant Ataturk in his book entitled al-Zi'bu al-Aghbar or al-Hayah al-linen li taghiyyah wrote: "Surely Ataturk is of Jewish descent. his ancestors were Jews who moved from Spain to the city of Salonika. " The Jews are called Jews Daunamah consisting of 600 families. They claim converted to Islam in the year 1095H (1683M), but still professing the Jewish religion quietly. This is acknowledged by the former President of Israel, Yitzak Zifi, in his Daunamah issued in 1377H (1957M): Some religious groups who still consider themselves cars 2 film part of the Prophets of Israel ...... Among them is a group of a group Daunamah Islam only outwardly but practiced cars 2 film Judaism quietly. When Mustafa kamal the age of 12, he entered the Military School Salonika. Then he went to study at the Military Academy Monasitar in 1302H (1885M). In the year 1322H (1905M), he entered the military college in Istanbul and finished his military training in 1325H. (1907M). Subsequently, whom he studied was commissioned in the third battalion military camp in Salonika. Here is what motivated Ataturk in hostile Ottoman Caliphate and Islam. With its position as a military college graduate, he has mengigatkan fellow officers not to be fooled into thinking the Muslim world. He has changed his Assalaualakum to Marhaban cars 2 film Bikum (Welcome). Whom he studied further action is set Kebagsaan and Freedom of Association which aims to remove the Ottoman Empire under which the mengamlkan despotism, but unfortunately united and progressive organization who was also active against the Islamic government smart has become a stumbling block to Ataturk's movement. Image Mustakam Kamal prominence after the outbreak of the First World War when he was selected as team captain to -19 in Sinaq Qal'ah. His team defeated the British army twice the Balkan Peninsular Ghalibuli Darnadil mestkipun British military force capable of defeating the army Artaturk. With the win, Ataturk was promoted to captain and then a general in the 1335H. (1916M). In fact, the victory achieved by Mustafa kamal is a deliberate cars 2 film planned victory by British troops cars 2 film to the reputation of Ataturk highly regarded by the Ottoman Empire. This is because of the war between the Ottoman army and allied forces lasted for several days without any party to achieve any victory resulting in both sides defending their area for several months. Akirnya cars 2 film the British suddenly unexpectedly had to leave the beach Ghalibuli. In the year 1337H (1918M), Ataturk led a troop of Pale

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