Monday, June 2, 2014

Milloy pointed out that global warming is

Earth Hour first is a special program for 60 minutes a campaign that was created to awaken the people of the world about the problem of global warming on the rise. Approximately tens of countries are beginning to realize the advantages and benefits of this program, thus encouraging their citizens to join in the program. {1} Malaysia Earth Hour started the program starts 2009.
However, from the view of some, certainly among independent observers cars 2 coloring pages and analysts, they are very much in doubt with the actual claims of the Earth Hour. A global warming FRAUD
When Al Gore {3} producing a film documentary entitled "An Inconvenient Truth" {4}, like we know there is only one truth. Man is a scapegoat because of its disappearance lumps of ice at the poles, having occurred over global warming and natural cars 2 coloring pages disasters that occurred. But do you know that most scientists do not believe that? Mutual concessions he had a counter consensus of high-profile scientists. And now I will tell you what is called global warming conspiracy cars 2 coloring pages theory. {5} global warming is a hoax (hoax), some professionals cars 2 coloring pages claim related to the fort cons Gore. Indeed warming just changed around 1 degree Fahrenheit over a century. In addition, the planet Earth has experienced 'ice age period. One such is the stance that Steven Milloy graduated in Natural Science and a Masters degree in Biostatistics from the University of John Hopkins. He was one of the judges for the American Association for the Advancement of Science Awards than ever requested cars 2 coloring pages by the U.S. Congress to testify about the problems related. {6} Steve Milloy has offered $ 500,000 to anyone who can "prove, scientifically, that humans are causing global warming is a danger ..." {7}
Milloy pointed out that global warming is "the Mother of all junk science". It refers to changes in the Earth's temperature that occur naturally without human intervention. He also referred to the Kyoto Protocol {7} would consider to be a joke. Protocol aims to reduce the world's carbon emissions to 8% in 2012. 8% is the level of the world's carbon emissions in 1990. We also know that, once again America (then under President Bush) to be 'naughty boy' who reject cars 2 coloring pages protocol This, with the support of the European countries. Of course, the United States and Europe will be like that because they themselves know that it is just a myth deliberately played to the global importance of certain parties. A study from Russia (not America) show that greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere stood at about 370 PPM (per Million) and when the Kyoto protocol was followed, cars 2 coloring pages then it will only change 1 or 2 PPM only in 2012. Using the data provided by those promoting the Kyoto Protocol, cars 2 coloring pages if each country to ratify the protocol, the average global temperature would only be reduced by about 0.0015 degrees centigrades. At this point, it takes 667 years and $ 100 Trillion to lower the earth's temperature by 1 degree centrigades. And another, when we, humans considered the black sheep cause of global warming, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) estimates that 25% methane being released cars 2 coloring pages into the atmosphere comes from the 'dirt farming. cars 2 coloring pages Dirt also contributed 65% nitrooksida. The New York Times on January 27, 2008 a further report. {9}
There may be among the readers have received an email encourage you to stop eating meat to reduce global warming. No wonder if many people who say that global warming is one of the strategies to generate profits for certain parties. Of course, for them, the related parties are Al Gore and Friends, and Gore pointed as this triggers the occurrence of a global cars 2 coloring pages conspiracy.
In 2006, Al Gore flying (private cars 2 coloring pages aircraft) from his luxury home in Tennessee to Hollywood, where he earned an Oscar for the documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth" which commemorates the danger of global warming and the dangers of excessive peenggunaan fossil fuels. We as the public, watch the film and say "Wow ... I just found out about it." But it seems wise scientists have discovered many lies in the movie. Gore to 'be careful' states that the human causes of global warming. cars 2 coloring pages But as I've said before, a group of high-profile scientists in the world also dismissed the theory (including Edwin Aldrin, the second man

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