Monday, April 13, 2015

Theme. Ostap Cherry (Paul Hubenko). The tragic youtube android fate of the Ukrainian creative comed

Theme. Ostap Cherry (Paul Hubenko). The tragic youtube android fate of the Ukrainian creative comedian, great popularity and importance of his smiles in 1920. "My autobiography" - a humorous biography of the author.
Theme. Ostap Cherry (Paul Hubenko). The tragic fate of the Ukrainian creative comedian, great popularity and importance of his smiles in 1920. "My autobiography" youtube android - a humorous youtube android biography of the author.
Purpose: to familiarize students with the life and career biography Ostap Cherries, show him a place in the literature of the 1920s, youtube android tradition and innovation in the works; deepen knowledge of humor and satire; youtube android develop skills with additional sources, the ability to allocate more importantly, to express their views on the issues raised; form the ability to set learning objectives, the ability to design, youtube android analyze, apply their knowledge in practice; expand horizons, improve the ability to identify stylistic features smiles; bring optimism, the desire of humor perceive their problems, and respect for Ukrainian artists.
Students youtube android should know: the major events in the life of Ostap Cherries; of humorous and satirical tradition of Ukrainian literature; content and stylistic features of the work "My autobiography"; what a smile.
Equipment and TMT: multimedia screen, projector, laptop, portrait of the writer, illustrative material for biographies, texts, film "The Life Of Ostap Cherries" (1991), student presentation, school youtube android collection of selected works of the writer, exhibition of Ostap Cherries, didactic material ( tests chronological dictation, chaynvord).
Teacher. Homework you had to work out the life and work of Ostap Cherries, read humorous story "My youtube android autobiography". I think that preparing for a lesson with pleasure, because youtube android fun read about a man of wisdom, fame Ukraine - Ostap Cherry. youtube android
Teacher. Today in class we're familiar with the life and work of writer and humorist, of unknown facts of his life, the historical era in which the writer lived, the main cause of his talent and try to understand the unique artistic youtube android heritage Ostap Cherries, Train autobiographical story "My autobiography" .
Another writer said: "All of my being would be useful to people. Do not wander without lakeystvuvat the people youtube android and servants, wonderful youtube android people, our people admire him and rejoice with the fact that I have the honor to great, wonderful, incomparable and unique honor to belong to his people. I have never betrayed the interests of their people! Never! "
And be ruthless Cherry could
The word teacher. Ostap Cherry, of the life and work which we begin our acquaintance, wrote: "I think it is not the Ukrainian who can sing well" roars and groans "and hopak plant, and not the one from whom the name on the" co "- and that "who wants the good of the Ukrainian people, who contributes youtube android to its material and spiritual development; for behold, and Ukrainian is true." How true those words sound in our time! The writer chose his weapon in the struggle for human laughter - the sensitive, the friendly, the bitter tears that always accompany youtube android our people in its troubled history. In enslavement and neglect often answered youtube android Ukrainian youtube android v'yidlyvym youtube android mockery (to cite a famous letter to the Cossacks youtube android to the Turkish youtube android Sultan). Sam Cherry Ostap thought: "Behold, I myself think, that it is necessary to have the right person to laugh, joke? .." And he replied: "We must - like a man. More than himself ... "Do we feel this love - look at the lesson.
The story of the teacher. One of the main features of the Ukrainian mentality youtube android has always been the ability of humor perceive their problems, satirically expose the social vices. Surely in 1920 there was no continuing the traditions of Stephen Rudansky, Leonid Glebov, Nechui Levitsky, Ivan Karpenko-Kary? Of course, this is not the case, and a collective portrait of Ukrainian writers can not be imagined without sparkling humor and satire Paul sensitive Hubenko that worked under the pseudonym Ostap Cherry. The choice nickname writer youtube android explained by the fact that "cherry fruit sweet and delicious, yet tart and sour, so it should be friendly and laughter, and if necessary, cherry stone, holding youtube android her two beams can accurately shoot" (Ol'ha Slon'ovs'ka) youtube android . Feeling a responsibility to the people and the memory of great predecessors, Ostap Cherry wrote in his diary: "I was destined to be the heir Kotlyarevskogo ... One wish: that, God forbid, do not belittle their work Kotlyarevskogo."
Ostap Cherry youtube android loved outdoor recreation. One of the favorite places was the village Krynka in Kherson, where to this day preserved hunting lodge Ostap Cherries. He said his time "

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