Wednesday, April 8, 2015

In general, the film took place over five days. According to the videographer, had to work almost a

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Recently quiet life of the town violated the unusual event - there were shooting film under the intriguing title "City of Angels". The idea to honor his hometown on the screen belongs to the famous film director and lawyer, naruto shippuuden filler list Vyacheslav tyachivtsyu runners.
Although geography shooting was not limited only district center, the main events naruto shippuuden filler list of the film was shot in Tjachev. Above the working crew of five artists kinospravy. To emphasize the authenticity of that film, The main roles organizers decided to choose it among residents Tiachiv area. Thus, for example, played Angela Eugene Bobrushko of Rus fields. Although, as the videographer and executive producer of the film Vasily Krulko, the casting willing enough to try yourself in the movie even from other areas: naruto shippuuden filler list - it's about fifty people, including five elected and who will play the main role. We were pleasantly surprised by how much there is to Tyachiv district talented people, and determine the choice was easy. Moreover, from the beginning was to be a documentary film, but then we director thought that this genre can be interesting only for the tyachivtsiv and dynamic plot of the film will interest a much larger audience. Varied scenes from the life tyachivtsiv that depicted in the film, share a common artistic detail - each of them is Angela, who teaches naruto shippuuden filler list people the truths of good and protects against disasters. The city where dreams come true - it is so called Tiachiv for another naruto shippuuden filler list hero of the film - a foreigner-tourist, played by anthropologist, explorer Carpathian folk, American Sean Williams. Love, trust, sincerity, unexpected twists of fate and magic Transcarpathian landscapes - all this can be seen in the "City of Angels". When asked what difficulties encountered during filming, Basil replied: naruto shippuuden filler list - This process is quite troublesome and must take into account many different nuances. Although weather and helped us, but it was difficult to take off the premises, was not only extreme heat from the hot sun walls, but also on the lighting naruto shippuuden filler list equipment, which had to work. While filming is not unusual thing for me, but thanks to the work of true professionals naruto shippuuden filler list I have learned to practice all the theoretical knowledge that I have. Here, for example, it was difficult to remove the scene where Angel saves boy who playfully, runs on the road under the wheels of a car. We had to ride and shoot separately inhibition by car apart how a child running after a ball to avoid the risk of a real accident. Then the individual frames will "dokleyuvatysya" to each other, but it also requires more skill and effort.
In general, the film took place over five days. According to the videographer, had to work almost around the clock, but as a good team met, then the work brought pleasure: - And the actors and crew immediately, as they say, worn out, all listened to each other and understood at a glance. I would like to express special thanks to our sponsors film - Tiachiv City Council and Mayor Ivan Kovac, neresnytskomu entrepreneur Michael Tomyshyntsyu and staff Tiachiv hotel "Oksana" for their support and assistance. We can say that the most difficult part of the work is successful, and now plan to tackle the mounting film.
Two weeks later, on the Internet, on the big screen in the center Tyachiv and in local theater named. Taras Shevchenko viewers will be available trailer "City of Angels" and closer to the new year film can be seen in cinemas. Lena Pavlyuk
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