Saturday, April 4, 2015

Commenting on the situation regarding the prohibition of the film

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Once in Ukraine were forbidden to show popular in the West comedy "Bruno", we are interested in the question of whether this would be possible ban in Germany. And yet learned about the anniversary of interesting.
Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft (voluntary self-control film industry, short - DSC), which examines films for display in Germany this summer is celebrating its 60th anniversary. "Bruno" it is possible to hire in Germany for viewers under the age of 18 years.
On the basic principles governing the voluntary self-control film industry in determining stefanie sherk the age limit and allowing movie rentals, said "Deutsche Welle" CEO Christian von DSC Valiat: "In German law stipulates stefanie sherk that films whose content may adversely affect the development of children with broadcast with age restrictions. " Total such restrictions exist 5: Movies for any age group, with the restriction movies to 6 years, with the restriction to 12 years to 16 years and 18 years.
"In every age there are certain parameters, such as 6 years to avoid scenes of animal death or death of parents and loud soundtracks. stefanie sherk By 16 and 18 years, much attention is paid to moral values and attitudes to life in the film. For example, not allowed stefanie sherk discrimination of minorities, women, etc. "- says Valiat stefanie sherk background.
As in Ukraine, Germany, stefanie sherk too, can completely ban the film to be shown, but this almost never happens. Forbidden is outright pornography and racist, Nazi, etc. Generally, across film production and the constitutional right to freedom of art films almost always come rolling in.
Commenting on the situation regarding the prohibition of the film "Bruno" in Ukraine, Director of DSK said that in Germany this comedy would never banned, because it has no legal grounds. Existing rules DSK reviewed every year, due to possible changes in the development of the young generation. So, for example, the film "City Hunter (City Hunter), who in 1993 was allowed to see everyone who at 18 still has a lower limit of 12 years.
DSK called voluntary body for that movie studios do not have to submit their tapes for verification. However, if they do not, then the movie will be automatically banned for watching stefanie sherk youth.
Another aspect of independence and impartiality of evaluation is the commission. The system of nominations is to ensure the presence of social groups from various professional fields. Volker Honhe is one of the permanent members of the Supreme National stefanie sherk Authority for Youth and along with six other independent experts determines the fate of many movies. Five of the seven experts here voluntarily. In real life, they have a different job, but they all share DSK love for cinema.
DSK - a subsidiary of SPIO (highest organ of the film industry). She is financially independent and receives funds from charges for each test. From a half to two thousand euros worth checking one film. But the organization checks not only movies, but also DVD, trailers and commercials.
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