Monday, March 23, 2015

Section 1209 Totem

Section 1209 Totem "I lost face to his alma mater, wipe the black, I was a negative example." 2000 is famous because of the dry line, Peking University graduates Lu Buxuan butcher stand on his alma mater yesterday podium finish this section word almost choked. Yesterday was the first time he should North "official" invitation to return to school, as an "alternative" employment pressure faced by successful entrepreneurs and students to share experiences. However, about 10 years ago, he had "Beijing University students butcher" wallace and gromit games and provoked controversy even criticism.
The questionnaire in hand, especially to see the attitude of employment and "Students pork event" wallace and gromit games acceptance, and then 10 years ago and they have been subjected to media criticism after cf, Lubu Xuan feel a little comfort, "The pressure is now Graduate Employment relatively large shift in thinking is relatively fast, such as with a lot of people agree that the first job then career. Some people regard themselves as too high, in fact, of the scientific community may not need them to embark on something. "Now, in the" butcher school " Lu Buxuan accept pork slaughter and other aspects of the theory and practical operation of the training of graduates, wallace and gromit games 60-70% have a college or a bachelor's degree. For this phenomenon, Lubu Xuan said, "Now is not the same situation and we had never been seen, the employment of university students too much pressure, he will have taken things to do."
Lubu Xuan: The two words can not tell. North out of this of course is bad, downwards, fared better good of course, we can do this level, at least to hold the bottom line in life, no matter how well mixed, not messing around , do not break the law, do not do evil things. When I gave Chen business wallace and gromit games consultants, wallace and gromit games we as a friend help out, and the other is now China's food problem is too serious. As a Chinese person with a conscience conscientious intellectuals, have the responsibility and obligation to do something ugly fight, I was familiar with at least the pork.
Lubu Xuan, born in 1966 in Xi'an Chang'an, wallace and gromit games Chang'an District arts champion in 1985 was admitted to Peking University, graduate assigned to the Chang'an District diesel engine factory, after into business, has done a variety of occupations, with "glasses butcher wallace and gromit games "identity is known. 2003, many domestic media have to "Beijing University graduates Chang'an meat" as the subject reported the status quo 陆步轩, "Lu Buxuan phenomenon" raises wallace and gromit games a number of questions the concept of employment, personnel standards, social distribution of deep reflection. May 2008, in Guangzhou, he met with alumni wallace and gromit games of the North, with a "butcher guys" Mr Chan. August 2009, Mr Chan invited him to go to Guangzhou, proposed offer "butcher school," two "meat guy" hit it off. In December 2011, following the "North Wets" meat guy, as civil servants, Lu Buxuan he spent four months with a written "Pork Marketing" handouts, into Guangzhou, "butcher school" as a teacher. (Source: Beijing Youth Daily reporter / Yu Jing
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