Wednesday, February 4, 2015

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Ho (2)
Swindler (2)
To be or not to be? (1)
- And there were moments? - I'll tell you Andrew that he was disappointed. I thought that in this comedy will be some kobitki, some bara-bara, and nothing - just shitting marble - all the time. That is until, when I paused the movie. But I will not say: gala was 102, filled celebrytanami marble hall, in the middle of the buffet of hors d'oeuvres and even Sete could bashing! - It's like a Manny thou at this gala and those marbles got? .... - I just ... Someone lost his invitation to the premiere of the film, so I'm out of the closet wedding gajerek wyciągłem and march to the cinema! And there appetizers celebrity impose themselves on the plates, winko sip ... waiter game shaun the sheep in a tuxedo he distributed drinks on a tray, then I also immediately grabbed two monkeys in a row and then moved to the appetizers! - So what? Nobody can prevent, Manny? - Something you! In this wedding gajerku looked no worse than many celebrytan! I just poked me this one, when he himself piled delicacies: until I flew out of the hands of the plate and snacks - Ryms to the ground! - Do not talk?! But the cinema! What do you say? Pozbierałeś politely, what you dropped a fork? - I guess you do not know me, Andrew! I once this celebrity by the lapels game shaun the sheep and tell him loudly, until all Viewed: "You murmurings niedołęgo! You niedorajdo one! People will molest here, you fircyku one ?! And you ca n zafajdany Britain! - So what? Do not kicked you out of the gala, Manny? - Of course not! As soon as the team came over: cleanse me gajerek what me this celebrytan game shaun the sheep uświnił, mop the floor and gave me a new plate with the best hors d'oeuvres! And the one that came up to me and me to have the ear says, "But game shaun the sheep you dowalił him! It was to this bastard game shaun the sheep for a long time. " I pressed my hand your business card, I had come to him on employment in the government ... - Employment in the government, Manny? You kidding!? - Not at all, Andrew! Because the guy at the end he said in my ear: "Such as you are now in the government we need," ...... And what I Jedrek - accounts do not know, or at politics? - Art thou he had to blow up the minister of finance, Manny! - It is possible that his ... But what did not belong to him? - It was necessary, it was. I would also not spared this indignity, even if it was not even the Prime Minister himself ... But what happened next? - Like what? The waiter came up to me personally with two monkeys on a tray, and how splashed - hostess took me to the lodge, where the seats have sat sprawled game shaun the sheep celebrity. Everyone I politely bowed their heads as if I already knew - that and I was in the chair smashed as panisko ... - Well, and what about the marble, which wzmiankowałeś, Manny? It's game shaun the sheep that Benny was made of marble, or what? - Marble was Walesa, although the film was called "Walesa. Man of Hope "... - From Hope? Manny I heard that this is actually Walesa wiochy came from some, but probably not with Hope ... - You see Andrew: is not it time we are talking about, game shaun the sheep and the truth of the screen that says. And this is true today, says that Walesa game shaun the sheep was, however, the Hope .... - Oh. But I do not understand .... And this Bolek, how was it? - I did not waited, because I zemgliły these snacks so that, as He sat with 10 minutes, sprawled in the chair - just a film about Walesa broke me up! But the most important thing that you have seen a double Bolek, game shaun the sheep what he found the director Wajda ... Because without so

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