Saturday, February 28, 2015

I reckon if I did not go to Denmark this weekend, namely from Thursday to Sunday (both included). I

I reckon if I did not go to Denmark this weekend, namely from Thursday to Sunday (both included). I went to visit Elin in her school, and she can just get a weekend, I had to hide myself in a whole day. It was much fun. I would mainly mention two things that stand up in the memories of this movement. First, we find ourselves in Elín rental ghibli films car, we moved from Randers to school her in the evening and wanted ghibli films to offer bambi jumping road and car. He hit the afturdekkinu car with great vengeance so taxi woman (Luke) was pretty good to keep the car on the road. She stepped down and jumped out to find Bambi lying feel light out into the sidelines. Poor thing was still a sign of life, both back legs were badly broken, other especially difficult where the bones were out of leg. Luke jumped in the car to reach the e-D blunt so I could sacrifice the animal, but felt sorry nothing. When she finally turned back the car was Bambi been wakes up and went to fight for, so I Elín need to keep the animal down. Elin was not quite the same as it was pretty disgusting, and I was not quite the same as cars drove past us was nothing to slow down but stormed past us probably 100+ km, I swear it was not more than a meter between us sometimes, there is perhaps difficult to see us in the dark out into the sidelines as possible modifying the Bambi. Luke called a friend who was a seasoned hunter and circa fifteen minutes later he showed up on the scene with a hunting knife and cut Bambi neck. I do not know why, but I looked at it all together, and it was pretty disgusting. Poor beast fought during sprautaðist ghibli films blood all over the place, including the face of the hunter. Elin waited inside the car while it happened, there is perhaps no movies. Or? Another issue that I thought stand out was when it was drawing marathon on Saturday with Elin. Then all the students together into a large hall where they were to spend the day in developing drawing skills; 3 models set up around the room, naked, of course, and was just drawing with a variety of textures, focus, pencil, charcoal, etc. I decided to stay and I stood me more hope, I'm still as bad as I thought I would. Towards the end, however, my mind started to wander with me and I drew PacMan ghibli films be eating ghost. It went incredibly well. But the main plot remains to be seen. The case was, in fact that while these models, ghibli films which were otherwise very professional and took it very seriously, there were naked in various positions and while the music played to put some kind of "mood" in the room. Yann Tiersen would suit very well, but what the fuck music from Prúðuleikurunum is not the case! We had to keep the laugh the entire time songs like "It is not easy being green" (with Kermit), "The Muppet Show Theme", "Happy Feet", and then my favorite, ghibli films "W ghibli films ishing song". ghibli films In the Gonzo wishing to be someone else, and then comes the chicken and says he is good like it is and does not need to be someone else. Gonzo will be delighted. Chicken also says that he will make Gonzo pay if he wants to. Then said Gonzo this brilliant line: "Can you let me finish this song?" ghibli films Priceless. I burst out laughing ghibli films and I think models have been like if they were to lose credibility sector. One prefers not laugh much if someone stands naked in front of the person. Or? This weekend was still brilliant in every way, her school Elin is very fine and the kids where in general very elegant (Fine = Artist) and we had a great party with them ... all night! Otherwise, we used also the time to do anything together, just exactly nothing. Died just feel the time and talked about everything from fashion to EllaJoð accidents (such as just one topic all the time (sorry Elli Iodine (though not (yet)))). So we looked at Randers only intended to hire a car and go to Germany, but because Elin does not become 23 years old, we can not. All Elin fault. However, thanks to me, and I'll definitely (probably hopefully) again. Elli Iodine is coming for a visit to London for 3 days, the news of the Cuntjuice. Plus Arcade Fire concert will be included, along with the weekly London Brunch Club (LBC) meetings and so many things that I will never tell anyone. What happens in London stays in London. Batman. So I got out of my tests finally last week. It was just one big "Rust" (in English of course) and so was fimmhundruðkall envelope. So I did everything and more than it. And I'm ghibli films coming to Iceland for 17 days. What's New Brynjar? Town everyone, forever. GE (bet 10 pounds ghibli films and frappó to Höddi ask "General Electric or Gudmundur Eggertsson?)
Her parents .. said ... HAHAHAahhAHHAHHAAa..vá think I'll go to review my trip to Randers next helgi..nakið ghibli films people who take themselves seriously, Artist farts with KERMIT musical and Elin with Crayons:

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