Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Home Latest articles Recent photos Random Help support films d animation site See an aerial photo search tools Log in / create account films d animation Log in with Facebook Publications Arni Arnason films d animation / Einar Jónsson (Nordurgardur)
Einar Jónsson farmer and fisherman in Nordurgardur, was born June 12, 1859 to Ketilsstöðum Myrdal and died 8 August 1937 Jeff moved to the Island from the side Eyjafjoll 1888. His father was a farmer Jon Ketilsstöðum later Minor College Myrdal, f. 1829, d. March 20, 1871, Þorkelsson farmer sorry Myrdal 1835 f. April 25, 1801, d. March 24, 1862, Runólfssonar húsmanns in Rofabæ 1801 f. 1767, Hávarðssonar wife Runolf in Rofabæ, films d animation Ragnhild mistress, f. 1733, Ólafsdóttir. Mother films d animation Jón's wife Thorkel the spine Þórunn housewife from slopes Myrdal, f. October 20, 1791, d. February 8, 1870, Smith farmer slopes 1801 f. 1758, d. October 20, 1838, Eyjólfsson wife Gudrun Svein mistress, f. 1760, Þóðardóttur priest Kálfholti Sveinsson and his sr. Dries, Guðfinna films d animation Þorsteinsdóttir in Árbæ in Holt Kortssonar.
Mother Einars Nordurgardur woman Jón's was Ingiríður films d animation mistress, f. November 2, 1832, d. January 18, 1913 in Nordurgardur, Einarsdóttir farmer ravines Myrdal 1835 f. 1790, d. June 3, 1866, Jonsson farmer downhill Hvolhreppi, f. 1762, d. February 12, 1842, Þorbjörnsson, and Jon woman on a slope, films d animation Vilborg mistress, f. 1763, d. February 14, 1843, Jonsdottir. Mother if Ingiridr films d animation whom Einarsdóttur woman Einar the gully was Salgerðar mistress, f. 1789 on the island, d. June 10, 1862 at Ketilsstöðum Bjarnadóttir farmer Skíðbakka A Landeyjum, last scab peninsula in Leira, Gull., F. May 20, 1766 in Ugly Places A Landeyjum, d. July 25, 1826 in scab Nesi, Gudmundsson and his bright Skíðbakka, Gudrun mistress, from the isles, f. 1765, d. June 10, 1836, Björnsdóttir.
Siblings Einar in the islands were first Vilborg Jónsdóttir housewife in Kirkby, films d animation f. February 28, 1855, will have died in Utah. 2. Gudrun Jonsdottir housewife in Kirkby, films d animation f. March 27, 1862, d. January 14, 1939, a woman Arngríms Sveinbjörnsson. 3. Bjarni Jónsson in Nordurgardur Farmer painter in Utah, f. 19 April 1863. 4. Thorkell Jonsson farmer Gjábakkahellir, f. 1 October 1867. He emigrated to the United States. His wife was a Christian housewife Jónsdóttir, f. 2 June 1864. 5. kill Erður Jónsdóttir films d animation maid of Kirkby and Holst House of f. December 28, 1869 the Minor College Myrdal.
Woman Einar Nordurgardur was Árný Einarsdóttir mistress, f. April 22, 1865, d. 9 August 1938. Children Einar and Arny were: 1. Jeff, f. September 15, 1892, d. 21 March 1967. 2. Sigurd f. June 16, 1895, fell to his death in the Great Auk Cutter 1 June 1929. 3. Þórarinn Einarsson, f. July 20, 1900, d. 17 December 1903. 4. Ingiríður, f. February 6, 1902, d. 30 August 1981. 5. Guðbjörg, f. December 21, 1905, d. 12 August 1972. Child Einar with Olof Þórðardóttur later mistress of big-city Eyjafjoll was 6 Jónína Einarsdóttir Housewife Seljalandi, f. March 25, 1885 Therapist u. Eyjafjöllum, d. September 22, 1968 Olof Þórðardóttir was the mother of Friðfinns Oddgeirshólar and their siblings.
From went Arni Arnason line telegraphy: Rescue Woods Iman Natal. Einar was high man and beefy, films d animation rauðbirkinn, strongly grown, films d animation direct aber, langleitur and bar early beard. He was bonder great, efficient films d animation in many areas and nytjaði ground their highest interest with will fix, fuel economy and energy. Anything was Einar mood heavy and slow vinfesti, but was vinho Insular Territories and provide to visit. Jeff was a lot of fuglaveiðar all kinds and eggjatöku, often boats in recent years, but until walkers, grand. Chaser puffin was weak, but more Porter and did preferably bear hunting from fishing men in storage. To Pong Einar went every summer, and he was the last one, and his sons, and Einar Sigurd, who used the old Pong human costume. Anything was Einar conservative old customs films d animation and traditions in farming and daily interaction, idiosyncratic and peculiar in words. He will not be considered to be the more hunters, films d animation but provides energetic man, who did not share, though some effort it would entail.
Sources Summary: Víglundur Thor Thorsteinsson. Islands and úteyjalíf - A selection of Arni Arnason line telegraphy from Grund. Westman Islands Historical Society in collaboration with the museum Vestmannaeyjar 2012. Western Skaftfellinga 1703-1966. Björn Magnusson. Flash 1970-1973. Censuses. Íslendingabó
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