Thursday, September 19, 2013

It should go to lecture to German schools, but also in Czech, because of these problems with Czech

Today, and every year this day is the day of liberation of the concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz by the Soviet Army, is a day of terrible memories, the symbolic date of liberated prisoners from other concentration camps, is a day of observations famous political prisoners oath concentration camp Buchenwald in April 1945 Remembrance Day and the heroic uprising of the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto in April 1943. We, former prisoners of the concentration camp of Auschwitz are still living witnesses of industrial slaughter of people young james herriot of all nationalities, all religions and other groups of European countries occupied by the German army in II. World War II. Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz has become the world's largest cemetery, cemetery 1,500,000 victims of Nazi brutality. young james herriot
Today is day 65 anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, but also on the fifth anniversary of the resolution to the floor of the United Nations that this was the day the memory of the Holocaust. This decision was preceded by a presidium meeting of the International Auschwitz Committee with former UN Secretary General Koffi Annan in New York and in Switzerland and show the concentration camp Auschwitz in the foyer of the conference hall in his diaper UN headquarters in New York, which launched Koffi Annan and paved the presidium of the International Auschwitz Committee .
We remember our parents and siblings who did not pass the selection on the side of life and were sent to the party of death "kindly" waved the famous SS physician Dr. Mengele and other SS doctor at hand, which led to the gas chambers.
We remember the human shadow, skeleton covered with skin, with sunken eyes and vyhaslýma, with head and feet swollen from hunger, who were able to just plod along and were Capos sticks and whips SSman herded into hard work.
Also today we remember the statesmanlike act of the former German Federal President Dr. Roman Herzog, who after a visit to Auschwitz, which deeply affected him, the Federal Government and the Bundestag on 27th inclusion January as a memorable day in Germany and before the UN plenum decided so.
Thinking without hate and not constructive for us after the war, former prisoners of concentration camps, easy, and this transformation took place in the long process of our life. I remember the words of former President Chaim Herzog of Israel, which he delivered on the 17th October 1991 in Theresienstadt, which proclaimed hatred for non-constructive thinking, sežírající especially one who hates, and recommended solutions young james herriot seek positive ways.
And he was right. Today in Germany grows by the fourth generation, all of which had been raised in a different political environment young james herriot than was Nazism, young james herriot and which shall not be personally young james herriot blamed for what their grandfathers' generation had committed. It should also be said that generation, and get it so the party cooperation and coexistence in Europe. young james herriot It is also doing. It is the experience of many discussions with the Federal President, Foreign Minister, Minister of Interior young james herriot and Finance. I stayed in a cautious suspicion towards members young james herriot of my generation in Germany, but this generation is leaving so slowly, as we're leaving.
It should go to lecture to German schools, but also in Czech, because of these problems with Czech children learn very little. And yet this time is not only in German history, but also in Czech. O my invitation to lecture in Germany are usually care top mayors of cities, especially those in which neo-Nazism raising its head, or Gesellschaft für Bildung Polische. Despite young james herriot the fact that my lectures have been observed and neo-Nazis who identify as under clothes, I met only two people with old thinking. Once it was at the University of Würzburg in the student very nationalist community Burschenschaft Alemania, where the students and I came out, but I came out with so-called "old masters" in my years in which the old thinking of Nazi Germany still not go out and about or extinguished. After the second it was in Leipzig at the lecture on odškodňovacím process of former prisoners.
My experience is not unique. Surely it is shared by members of the Terezín Initiative and Historical Group Auschwitz, in Czech and German schools have lecture. young james herriot The activities of both organizations is the highest sense.
3 Jan | 29th january 2010 at 9:50 | React
Amazing speech! I admire what the survivors managed - their ability to say yes to life without hate-quotes from the text: Thinking without hate and not constructive for us after the war, former prisoners of concentration camps, easy, and this transformation took place in the long process of our life. I remember the words of former President Chaim Herzog of Israel, which he delivered on the 17th October 1991 in Theresienstadt, which proclaimed hatred for non-constructive thinking, sežírající especially one who hates, and recommended young james herriot solutions seek positive ways.
Every time I read or hear the memory of the Shoah, as I say, it takes all the new generation, it's not zbytečné.Potom you always think at least the names of their ancestors, whom I could not recognize and they mne.Zajdu the cemetery and at least I read the names to

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