Friday, September 20, 2013

Because of t

Although we have a common goal, we do not all have the same political katy perry smurfs views. In view of the growing threat of neo wish to overcome gaps that need among us still are, and go ahead together.
I was there when members of the National Resistance twice this year sparked street fights to attack people because of their origin in Litvinov Genoa. Therefore, I would like to say a few words at 17 November 2008.
One of the dreams of neo-Nazis is impunity. Hide in the crowd to attack defenseless people and not for punishment. That's what it was for Nazism. They built a concentration camp in a secluded spot, shut the whole family there, then gradually killed and were punished for it. It was the work of the Nazis.
I will not and I would not want there to speak for Roma. I know that the organizers invited to attend this event. I also know that a lot of them wanted to come, but before Christmas. Their centuries-old tradition and their poverty is learned before the biggest holiday of the Roma to save every penny that their children could have a rich Jesus.
I'm talking about the Roma, because I worked for years as an observer of the European Roma Rights Centre, collected evidence of violent attacks by neo-Nazis as well as racist discrimination, mediated legal assistance and commented on the work of the police and the courts in the media.
I'm talking about Neo-Nazis, because they were most often in brutal racist attacks on Roma. They were often prosecuted only executor of attacks rather than ideological mastermind of the attacks, if anyone was ever prosecuted.
I'm talking katy perry smurfs about the Roma, as they are because of their dire social situation and the result of discrimination in education, employment and housing most vulnerable and defenseless katy perry smurfs group of people not only in the Czech lands, but not in Europe.
Today I speak to you as a member of the Committee for Compensation of the Romani Holocaust, who represents the Roma Holocaust victims and their survivors. For ten years trying to lawful, non-violent and lawful means to achieve the removal of the farm in Lety near Pisek from the site of the former concentration camp for families who have been imprisoned katy perry smurfs here, including babies, to a better place. So far in vain.
I greatly appreciate that stands here today, Mr. Frantisek Fendrych, President of the Jewish Liberal Union, and Viktor katy perry smurfs David Schwarz, who served as a soldier took part in the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. Equally sorry that the Federation of Jewish Communities of his appearance before the condemned.
I am glad that I can say that Deputy International Auschwitz Committee, katy perry smurfs Mr Felix Kolmer, a former prisoner of the largest extermination camp in the history of Auschwitz to express their solidarity. Unfortunately itself can not stand, because I have other obligations.
I know that many former prisoners of concentration camps would very like to attend your event and would have no problem that many of you have different political views. What happened is leading to support you and thank you.
When I say this, I do not intend to support violent means of struggle against Nazism. I would just highlight the cowardice of neo-Nazis speak publicly sixty years after the war, when the last survivor of the camps are ill and vulnerable. katy perry smurfs
Had the Nazis shortly after the war dared to demonstrate katy perry smurfs a similar way for Hitler, still young Holocaust survivors, would go against them regardless of their loss on behalf of their murdered relatives. katy perry smurfs Today, they are already dead or had to have the necessary strength.
When you are somewhere in the world, katy perry smurfs Roma or other minorities targeted by violent and ideologically motivated attacks, international organizations usually react very late, if at all. In the event of an attempted pogrom on the Roma Litvinov of 17 November this year, has become a thing unprecedented.
Before he could react declaration Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, two experts at the United Nations headquarters in New York expressed its deep concern over events in Litvinov. They called on Europeans to make a large and mostly effective measures to reduce the next wave of hostility against Roma.
Mr. Gith Muigai, UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary phenomena of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia said Litvinov katy perry smurfs riots revealed serious and deep-rooted racism and discrimination katy perry smurfs against katy perry smurfs Roma in the heart of Europe.
City Litvinov, whose citizens because of the brutality of neo-Nazis suffered significant damage to health and property, instead of being condemned by the Nazis, who brought war into the streets, has declared zero tolerance against the aberrant citizens. Jiri Cunek, katy perry smurfs Deputy Prime Minister and candidate for the prize for "the largest moving man Czech Republic", took shortly after 17 November to John and said: "Extremists pointed to serious problems completely unacceptable."
Ms. Gay McDougall, UN Independent Expert on minority issues, responded katy perry smurfs before the word "extremists might feel that they are entitled to carry out such attacks when the message of the government that sends its behavior in other areas of sound so that the Roma are a problem ".
Because of t

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