Friday, May 29, 2015

Malaysia week kicks off in April, right after spring watch smurfs online break. It is a five-day st

Week 7 was not worthy of an own posts for there was very little that was going on. Uka was mostly used to prepare the visit of Norway and Chinese New Year, ie act of presents and make ready "ang pauer" to Chinese friends. Chinese New Year is not to be taken lightly and there was hectic activity at school all week in preparation. Tuesday I was with Henry in prep junior to help create decorations to Friday 13, the day when New Year celebrations were to take place at school. Wednesday should Nikolai on school trip to FRIM - Forest Research Institute Malaysia. He also learned what activity he came on to Malaysia week and he was very excited, hoping for a first choice "Survivor Island".
Malaysia week kicks off in April, right after spring watch smurfs online break. It is a five-day stay either by the sea or in the rainforest. There are many choices and all the options are divided into easy, medium or difficult. To be on the toughest challenges must qualify watch smurfs online physically and schools are concerned that they will come with a race which eleven most value. If a student wants somewhere. but do not qualify physically, watch smurfs online they can train against requirements and take a test later. If they managed to qualify they come with and if they fail to do so then they get assigned somewhere else that fits the pupil's physical watch smurfs online situation best. I think the attitude of the school is very good, they exclude no one and everyone can work towards their goal, yet they are protected from choosing something that is too tough. They are not in good enough physical shape so it will hardly watch smurfs online be very rewarding to ride off road in the jungle for five days even though it sounds cool. Nikolai wanted to the sea and the first choice was his "survivor watch smurfs online island". This place is probably not so demanding physically, but more mentally. It is still ranked as the toughest "ocean the site". They will be bussed to the East Coast and then carries it out to Pulau Acheh which is a small island not far from the mainland. Here they are thrown overboard 1km from the land and have to swim in, so it goes without saying that the mobile phone must be at home. Then they must personally watch smurfs online ensure that the needs of shelter and food. They must dig their own latrine and there are no houses or tents, so it will be well camping on the beach and mats unless someone watch smurfs online finds it wise to build a shelter. They fail to make a fire they do not eat, but iom that Nikolai is with so I know at least that one is able to make a fire :-). Guess it is more possessing the skills. Nikolai rejoices watch smurfs online game, which the mother is totally incomprehensible. Personally, I think it sounds like a punishment. Ovidia, also Norwegian watch smurfs online and best friend Floris is also assigned to this "the site" so I think this will be cool for them. As scout and outdoor person watch smurfs online so I know that this will be a memory for life for Nikolai. This week there have been Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. The starting New Year's Day, the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar, that day with other new moon after the winter solstice, and ends with Lantern Festival on the 15th day. There is plenty going on in this period and you see fireworks and hear firecrackers slam continuously. The reason for this is the legend of Nian, a monster that could come silently into people's houses. Nian was afraid watch smurfs online of the noise and the color red so therefore we see the color red as a passthrough color with loud bangs, drums and other quieter infernal. Thursday watch smurfs online and Friday has therefore been school and duty time for celebration is in full swing and not a Chinese store is open before to Tuesday again. Food and gifts are tied to the celebration as well and children receive a New Year's money in a red envelopes - called "ang pau". According to the Chinese zodiac, we're entering the goats years and astrologers think we can expect watch smurfs online a more peaceful and more stable year than in the chaotic horse years. Let's hope they're right for goat stands for prosperity and luck. In the Chinese zodiac there are 12 zodiac signs; watch smurfs online Rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. In addition to the five elements that say something about how you are: Fire, water, metal, wood and earth. Both Phillip and I have water, Nikolai and Henrik have metal, while Thomas has three. Water is characterized by being liquid and expanding with two sides to it, both quiet, but also harmful as floods or tsunamis. Metal characterized watch smurfs online by being cold and intersecting. Wise men have impact and willpower. Wood is growing and expanding. People are philosophical and have a lot of lessons. In our household there are no goats, but rather a rat (the undersigned), a monkey (Thomas), a snake (Nikolai), a tiger (Henrik) and a bull (Knut). Rotta is smart and charming, the monkey is naughty watch smurfs online and fun, but also intelligent and eloquent, the snake is wise, thoughtful watch smurfs online and watchful but fond of music and philosophy, the tiger is brave, adventurous, watch smurfs online generous and impulsive with lots of energy and the bull is v iljes

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