Sunday, October 12, 2014

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Official disney films guests were Hon. Rafael Barreto Castillo - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Bolivarian Republic Venetsuela in Sofia, Hon. Guillermo S. Asrak - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic in Sofia, Hon. Teresita Capote Camacho - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Cuba in Sofia, Dr. Juan Thyagu December Souza - Chargé Embassy of the Portuguese disney films Republic in Sofia, Mr. Hristo Gudzhev Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Director of "America" in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Hilda gabardine December Ritis - Minister Plenipotentiary at the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Sofia, Ms. Celia Arana ers - Advisor on educational matters in the Spanish Embassy in Sofia, Ms. Rosa Maria Moro December Andres - Director Cervantes Institute in Sofia, Mr. Jose Felix Barrio Barrio - Advisor of the Department of Educational Affairs of the Embassy of Spain in Sofia. The reason for this number is the 200th anniversary of the independence of Latin American countries. The event opened the Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Habil. Anastas disney films added. Special guest is Emilia Tsenkova - founder of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology at Sofia University "St.. Kliment Ohridski ". Formal greeting headed disney films Assoc. Mariana Dimitrova on behalf of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, prof. Ivan Georgiev from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University "Sv. Kliment Ohridski ", Assoc. NBU Annie Levy, Mr. Stiliyan Burhanlarski of the first class of Mrs. Emilia Tsenkova.
What would happen if in 1143 Portugal was not achieved its independence from the Kingdom of Leon? Is today in Brazil would speak Spanish and not Portuguese? And even that would be developed and imposed Portuguese (literary) language perceived disney films as a separate language? If we go further with the questions: What would happen if during XI-XV c. Consistently not been released from the power of the Moors different parts of the Iberian Peninsula? Or even further back: What would be the fate of the Spaniards and Portuguese, if the Moors were not conquered the peninsula at the beginning of VIII century.? disney films All questions with "what if ...". The story does not tolerate "if". It has been such as it was, and today we can not turn the tape it so that we can restore the baseline and try to embroidered alternative roads. And no starting position is not actually "output" because it is the result of countless previous events and processes. In a series of questions, however, we recall an interesting parallels reversed between what happened in the Balkans and the Iberian Peninsula. Approximately when Bulgaria appears disney films as a state in the Balkans (680), Spain is conquered by the Moors (711-718 years) - at the eastern end of the continent occurs and the western disney films end killed one country. Approximately when Bulgaria was broken by the Ottomans (1396), after a series of wars (1212, 1236, 1246) Spain conquered and the last slot of the Moors on the peninsula - Granada (1492). And just in time to be able to engage in the ongoing disney films razpredyalba the New World and become a global empire. Just at that time Bulgaria long disappeared from the political map of the continent to reappear stripped and weak in the last quarter of the XIX century., And begin to fight for their share of an already allocated and reallocated by the Great Powers world. See how pointless it is to ask the question "what would be if ...". Spaniards disney films and Portuguese, the population of their former overseas territories history took place as we know. That is it for the Bulgarians.
This story, however, left very interesting results with regard disney films to language, disney films literature, and science of studying them. Until recently, not only science differed Catalan (Catalan, Catalan) language and treat it as a dialect of Spanish. When the man went down today at the airport in Mallorca or Barcelona, noticed signs in three languages, the first of which is precisely the Catalan and the official language (Spanish) is the third after English. disney films The particular

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