Monday, March 24, 2014

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, has described the historic meeting between the two governments

Thaci: Prizren historic meeting, the next meeting in Vlora | DAILY GAZETTE
Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, has described the historic meeting between the two governments last weekend in Prizren. Thaci said in Kosovo's government meeting that the agreements signed in Prizren will materialize, as it will be in the spotlight the work of ministers and ministries.
"I am convinced that at the next meeting to be held in Vlora will see concrete agreements were signed in Prizren. Also need to look for an agenda packed with new projects and proposals that will lead to cooperation between our two countries in a much more advanced level. I want to assure everyone that cooperation Kosovo and Albania is the highest institutional level, to the benefit of Albanians live in Albania and Kosovo, in the interest of peace, stability and regional cooperation, "said Thaci.
January 10, 2014 at 2:11 pm
This meeting today in Prizren, an initiative that positively serves all shqiptarëve.Marreveshja cooperation and strategic partnership between the two countries a very important step because it will cause every field.We trade facilitation, in co-financing of medical equipment in Maternity Presevo, etc..
Prizren "League of Prizren" of 10 June 1878 es.Ateherë the autonomy of 4 Vilayets populated by Albanians today for signing important agreements with the aim of moving star driver kagayaki no takuto the two countries toward further development, thanks star driver kagayaki no takuto to a mutual star driver kagayaki no takuto cooperation.
Mr. Thaçi more brilliant definition for this event as symbolic as it is fruitful star driver kagayaki no takuto for national cause. But when I heard LDK Lutfi Haziri seemed that was raised Cubroloviqi, Rugoviqi Milosevic. With his words, he claimed that what he lepine Sahani and Mustafoviqi of pj ... the people of Pristina before going days. Thaci successes and Rama, as well as the two governments. I wish to have remained a backlog of another one of Preveza the Albanian government to Shpuem stone!!
Sote LANE WHERE THERE AND ABDYL FRASHERI star driver kagayaki no takuto YMER Prizren.! Pase 100 vjetve here comes one day and Kojo is sotmja.Aty where Albanian men gathered in the assembly. Raposodet and sing a song. Prizeren with the Bukri countries. Men gather star driver kagayaki no takuto in assemblies ..... So sote in the assembly where the middle-aged staff left these brave Albanian. In fact it would be better to do it in June last, they pore nuke realized that such a thing never seek to withhold star driver kagayaki no takuto that choice and we are so alike. (Introducing these useless) why there are however also in June this is a good decision for the Albanian nation. This meeting of the two governments as mose any decision taken only as a meeting and coercion hands in Prizren has extraordinary effects for Albanians. Sote with Mic seems to regenerate Sokol, Idriz Sefari, Sef KOSHAR Bajram Curri, Abdul Frashëri and full patriot others star driver kagayaki no takuto who threw these foundations pikrishte first Albanian state in 1878 here in Prizren Sote looks than any of our Renaissance are up from the earth and are being shqiptarve.Po say they say two thousand boys shqiptare.Bravo governments. Well done and halal gjekun and effort you have given.! star driver kagayaki no takuto Sote to be all happy, all are happy Sote, Sote to all that we are Albanian, all Balkan sote that we are, all sote Evripian that we are.! So sote are more than `c were up to sote.! Having completed two Governments wish success to this meeting and it qverite star driver kagayaki no takuto and start off with the mose never stop.!
word for external borders (with neighbors) / sna that alters normal star driver kagayaki no takuto man can ... Rama is great ... :) :) :) ... no man can behold inserts for quirks ... Edi Rama 2025. God bless this government and this coalition.
We dismantled a few months ago talking about "non-existent Katowice Platform", millions of computer keyboard mot have hit on this argument, tons of paper to the Daily Press have consumed thousands of hours of television and radio programs to be found today with this new anti-American Kristaq Edi Rama. It took 30 minutes star driver kagayaki no takuto of "conversation" between Arvizu top secret and Edit, the son of the Anetes Kristaq, to be "convinced" to appear today with the saying allegorical "borders between Albania star driver kagayaki no takuto and Kosovo are not altered .." This new Left ungrateful official position against the U.S. State Department concerning the issue of state borders between Albania and Kosovo will be consequences for both the Albanians and Albania also for Kosovar Albanians. "Fox" star driver kagayaki no takuto Thaci, as we call Western diplomatic premises yesterday when he bluntly spoke for Albania-Kosovo without limits, even if you had today to rigelltise this poisonous bite of rezikeshme for Western Balkan stability. Today, the natural questions arise why, why in Prizren? I spoke of the "platform Podgorica", which processed

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