Saturday, March 22, 2014

Has fallen out of yesterday

SPEECH the little mermaid ariel s beginning otherwise the little mermaid ariel s beginning Assembly, Ben Blushi: Here's what I ask government | Journal Web
Has fallen out of yesterday's speech to the Assembly of the Socialist MP Ben Blushi. He threw a thumb on the issue of allocation of mandates by the deputy minister. Blushi said the success of this mandate will be the PS parliamentary group, which controls and governance motivate. Blushi said that the left has won over Sali Berisha, but not on authoritarianism.
It only tells us what not to do, but do not say what to do and, if the past has many flaws, this is a positive defect. It helps most careful people the little mermaid ariel s beginning live better, but keeps more concerned brave and full of questions. I know that today most Albanians the little mermaid ariel s beginning live better power changed, but most of them are vulnerable to anxiety. This is called the anxiety of the future. Or need to recognize it quickly. Even today we have recognized the benefits of the past. Before 100 years, we Albanians have told us that we did not know to have a state.
I would say that we have not announced any day to have a state that works for the public. For that which is common. For what belongs to us all, without exception, without the little mermaid ariel s beginning distinction and without selection. In 50 years, we had a country that considered everything public the little mermaid ariel s beginning so common, but they distribute the benefits of this cooperative pharmacies, even cruelly. In the 20 years spent on the contrary, in some cases it was and remains even more cruel.
Our state worked every single day against the public and, just for privaten. In these 20 years, what was destroyed was what was common. Publiken plagued private, shared with përveçmen lost the race. So our capitalism was built amateur and cruel. This typically joeuropian capitalism was fueled by our governments. His limits were and remain the lack of boundaries. He is responsible because migrated from Albania 1 million from three million people. His impatience has cost the country hundreds of thousands of jobs, so much corruption and so much ignorance and misery. This unregulated capitalism kills police every day, violates teachers, doctors corrupts, threatens judges sat back and state.
The state is one that violated every day without end and without fear. In which country is the state of our continent so weak? The state is the greatest the little mermaid ariel s beginning asset we have, because so far the strongest instrument that man has created to protect man. I would like today to vote, not to end a government, but to end a culture. Shënjoi culture that our society in all these years. A culture whereby individual-dominated society and not vice versa.
I am the individual to society equal rights, but different in real. We have today a society of unequal rights and deformed in wealth. This polarization is a disease that we have established themselves and for us to heal itself. The first step we made by voting, but this is only the first step. Therefore I would ask the government to strengthen and protect the public rights in Albania. That would be a twist, because my friends, today we do not need a road.
We need a twist. This is the case when you have to return to not fall. There are some things that would make this government; First, avoid taking on debt in our name. I am against taking debts to pay off debts. Albania can not pay its debts and this is a fact. Washing can better manage debt by our assets, the little mermaid ariel s beginning rather than taking new debts. And I believe that Albania can live without borrowing exaggerated because, although it is a small country, the little mermaid ariel s beginning remains a rich country that population should nurture.
Therefore, say the government should manage the remaining assets themselves and somehow enough. Oil, energy, water, sea, sun, mountains and its minerals. Secondly, I would ask to defend what is and should be shared. I ask today: why it administers a private could not manage a society? What does it mean to choose the little mermaid ariel s beginning a government, if it delegates the right to manage the assets, properties, schools, hospitals, transport, policing and perhaps even one day the courts? What is the boundary between what is public the little mermaid ariel s beginning and what should be returned to private? It is only just and profitability? No! Absolutely not! Profitability prevalon not on the right of the public to take advantage of its assets and properties.
The lack of profitability of an economic sector is not bankrupt sector, but of those who are appointed to administer it. If profitability would be reason to pass a public asset in private hands, then logic should privatize the governments of Albania, for 1 million immigrants in 20 years and a million unemployed in 10 years show that our governments do not have been a

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