Tuesday, October 7, 2014

When an alarm for crossing the gates first process is called. Předzváněcí time, after which only ma

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Have you ever heard that the light crossings have lights and no control gates? If yes, this article will attempt to explain why this is so. If not, they will try to make after reading this very controlled.
Start using barriers as shaped label dates back to the time when the crossings began to provide lighting devices. When the driver tom si jerry o ora arrived tom si jerry o ora to such a level crossing without barriers tom si jerry o ora in warning (red light), stopped and waited until the train passes. But it happened that when he saw the train stopped watching the light signals and often immediately after its passage through the crossing plucked. The problem tom si jerry o ora occured mainly at two and multi-light crossings, because they could track after another near another train. These actions of drivers causing a very dangerous situation.
This is a dangerous driver behavior at multi-track crossings light prevented the mandatory use of barriers as an additional warning. The driver has then after a train passes in its roadway tom si jerry o ora obstacle - the bolt crossbar, which prevents him from continuing his journey. The beam of light devices are unlike mechanical tom si jerry o ora barriers přerazitelné lightweight construction and are designed to only optically dam road *). Such barriers are important signal shape and are not intended to prevent its construction tom si jerry o ora vehicles enter the crossing. On the contrary, in a closed vehicle on a level crossing must allow him to leave the crossing - eg. Their shift. Barriers are thus only addition to the lights!
Using gates even lighting equipment was not completely solved the problem. Now drivers waiting to start lifting barriers and then, under psychological pressure range for them stationary vehicles, regardless of the light and start expression, which is a mistake again! In this case, because they threatened to arrest crossing directly in front of a moving train.
When an alarm for crossing the gates first process is called. Předzváněcí time, after which only may begin to tilt the bolt center. This time allows road vehicle to free up space under závorovými crossbars before they begin to tilt. Předzváněcí time the machine starts to be measured immediately after startup warning lights at the crossing. When the train passes the barrier rises and simultaneously flashing red light is the basic light warning is still running. It prohibits the admission / entrance to the crossing and is not therefore necessary before re-tipping závorových timbers to measure again předzváněcí time, which would allow the vehicle to leave the road crossing area. If at this moment another train (eg. Train or, more often subsequent train on the other tracks) will affect the crossing occurs immediately, ie. Předzváněcí without expiration time to start gates. In that case there was a "disobedient" drivers already mentioned closing the crossing.
The conclusion is simple: listen lights and no curtains! After the train passes, wait red light goes off and then sweep the crossing, you let him on another train ahead neuvězní. In addition, tom si jerry o ora the barrier will not be able to tell whether the crossing such as faulty or lockout. It can be recognized only by the lights (see eg. Chap. 4 in Article Principle of level crossing equipment).
For the latest AD I noticed in their operations, from one side of the approach is longer stretches. When the train pulls into a longer stretch starts tom si jerry o ora countdown certain time before the device enters alerts. (Problizovaciho tom si jerry o ora section is in our Klasterec used to activate the radio station on the notification arriving passenger train, which is defined by its number already in electronic form of security zar. ) If the passage of trains and leaving after the second round with another tom si jerry o ora train approaching toward him and ran to the other side uz extension of the approach section so as not to nullify (almost okamzuite turned off after exiting a train crossing) is avoided and the effect of lifting the barrier that suddenly fall again.
U crossings in Karlovy Vary on the main line No.140 (not crossing the line into the lower KV station) about a mile from the main station towards the direction of Chomutov. tom si jerry o ora Is there at that crossing former relay house (a broken window) tom si jerry o ora and next to it is the new yellow house with electronics and most of lineside phone to lock (s column label'T', there is also naprano'mluvte') when a train of Measure Chomutov so the toughest on the circuit starts crossing of the phone comes alive faint beeping (exactly that extension approx. sections. :))
U A new crossing in Klasterec tom si jerry o ora help prblizovacich section is activated when the station broadcast a train is coming from the direction of Karlovy Vary is there to know the delay between the radio and the level crossing frogs. the plant. circuit AD in our ask. is bounded by a drive-signal at Chomutov header and the extension tom si jerry o ora on the side of Carlsbad is to help two axle counters at both tracks (about 100m light for showcase

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