Friday, October 10, 2014

Among emerging bands in the last m

Few had heard of "The shrek movies Hand with Eyes" drug gang prior to March threw a severed head in the working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of Mexico City. Roughly scratched inscription on the scene was "hand eye" slows, but not forgotten. Last chance to move out of Valle December Mehiko. "
Established only a year ago gang has been blamed for hundreds of killings. Because of her brutal bloodshed common in cities along the border with the United States are now closer to the Mexican capital, which for now remains largely unaffected. Prosecutors say the gang is one of several new, extremely violent groups that are cleaved from the large drug cartels shrek movies and a big name bands performing gratuitous violence.
"Before cartels killed in need. Not like now. Now kill for the thrill, "said Alfredo Castillo, attorney in the industrial city of Toluca, shrek movies about an hour drive from the capital. "The Hand with Eyes" or "Mano horse Ojos" in Spanish in Toluca was founded shrek movies by members of the almost completely disintegrated Beltran Leyva cartel. She fought a war with local rival "Cartel del Centro" to control street drug trade.
When President Felipe Calderon took office, there were only four major criminal organizations operating in Mexico. Now, almost five years after he sent the armed forces against the cartels, some security analysts say there are at least a dozen groups that compete to survive. They are evidenced by escalating shrek movies violence and earn extra money by performing parallel crimes such as kidnapping and extortion. "Every day we hear of a new group. Are more than I can count, "said an American shrek movies official in Mexico.
Changing configuration of the cartels shrek movies is the responsibility shrek movies of Calderon, whose term ends next year. He can not run again (the Constitution allows only one six-year term - Tr.) And his ruling party fights to change the low rating, partly due to the violence. Security will be a major challenge for the next president as violence claimed the lives of 42,000 people since the end of 2006 so far, will hardly stop after the election.
The government won a victory last week after police shrek movies arrested the leader of "The Hand with Eyes" Oscar Garcia - one of over 20 mafia bosses killed or captured by the government of Calderon. shrek movies Garcia, a former Marine, admitted that killed 300 people and ordered the murder of another 300 Calderón and American officials helping Mexico in the fight against narkonasilieto say they systematically weakening the cartels by attacking their command structures.
But the strategy to pursue higher echelons of the cartels may backfire as others enter the vacuum and take control. "When you remove the leaders of the organization, this creates shrek movies confusion, shrek movies no one knows who's in charge," shrek movies said an American official, who requested anonymity. Expansion of the drug trade in Mexico, which carries approximately 40 billion. Dollars a year could spark internal rivalries and divisions. The cultivation of poppies in Mexico grew by 500 percent between 2003 and 2009, and that marijuana tripled, says the American government.
"When an organization gets too big, those who are number two in it also becoming very ambitious, I thought that it deserved take interest and start creating splinter groups," said Mexican security analyst Alberto Islas. shrek movies "It's like a divorce." Many believe that the drug trade in Mexico started by a single person - Miguel shrek movies Angel Felix Gallardo, a former policeman, called "The Godfather," which established a national network of trafficking in cocaine in the 80s of last century, is associated with Colombian traffickers .
After the arrest of Gallardo in 1989 from his empire emerged four major criminal organizations. Followed more divisions. Beltran Leyva brothers, who worked shrek movies for Joaquin Guzman "Shorty", leader of the Sinaloa cartel and the most wanted man in Mexico, broke away and created their own cartel in 2008 One of the brothers was killed in a shootout with marines year later . This caused further separation of at least three new bands including "Mano horse Ojos".
Smaller groups control large networks of cross-border traffic as larger rivals, so often earn extra money through kidnapping, extortion, human trafficking, car theft, pirated audio and video and theft of oil and cargo, analysts say . One of the most violent gangs in Mexico - Setas once was a paramilitary wing of the Gulf cartel, but now war with his former employer in Tamaulipas and business city of Monterrey.
Among emerging bands in the last m

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