Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another Disney classic Snow White. Although he has not changed too much the story, I forgot to ment

Although most of us grew up with Disney cartoons and fairy tales, many probably do not know that those in the original fairy tales were full of creepy things and endings. In the past, the fairy marked the completely different concept than it is today. They are mainly aimed at the elderly čitatateljima because it was thought that because of its content were not appropriate for children. But through the 19th and 20th century, especially the life of the Brothers Grimm, fairy tales are starting to connect with children's literature.
A good example for this is the Cinderella that has many of its version, and the oldest dates back to antiquity. According to sources, the Greek historian Strabo recorded in the first century BC. Kr. Rhodopis story about a girl who lived in the Greek colony of Naucratis in Ancient Egypt. During bathing, an eagle snatched sandal its handmaid, and flew to Memphis. While there, the king dealt with administration of justice, the eagle had dropped the sandal in his lap, and the king was enchanted form of sandals, ordered to find a woman who wore them. The girl was found and soon became the king's wife.
After this, there was a series of similar stories about a girl who the masked Ball loses his shoe. However, many of which were adapted for all children. One such example is the version known as Aschenputtel where you evil stepsisters for greed opt off fingers and feet just to fit in the shoe, and finally their two pigeons out the eyes and they spend the rest of life as a blind proskakinje. Also, in this story, even Cinderella's father tolerates abuse daughter that he says is a "child of his first wife," not his own. Similar elements are used, and the brothers Grimm in his story of Cinderella. In their version, the modest Pepuljuga planted a willow tree over her mother's grave, which gave her a dress and shoes. At the ball loses his shoe, and when the prince began to look for her stepsisters you cut off the heel and toe. Although they manage to squeeze smurfs 3d your feet into shoes, smurfs 3d fail to push themselves to the court, because every time the prince discovers the deception.
The most famous version and one that Disney served as a template for creating Cinderella as we know, is a version of Charles Perrault. Although the story is very similar to previous versions of the narratives in this Perrault threw a touch of fantasy. Mentioned that the tooth fairy from ordinary pumpkin carriage made and mice turn into horses and footmen. With these elements, and without blood, Perrault was able to twist the story of the fate of the most beautiful way to approach the youngest readers.
Another Disney classic Snow White. Although he has not changed too much the story, I forgot to mention one important detail. Specifically, the queen of fighters demanded that he bring her Snow White liver and lungs, not the heart, because that night it just been served to eat. Also, in the original Snow White wakes from sleep while the prince on his back carrying smurfs 3d the prince's palace, and do not be a prince with a kiss as is the case in the Disney version. What happened after we do not know exactly, because the story also has a lot of its transformation, smurfs 3d and in some states that the gnomes actually robbers, a magical mirror dialogue with the sun or moon. In the classic version we all know, the Queen is due to all of attempted murder Snow White at the end of the story destined to dance in red-hot metal shoes until they fall dead.
The following story, which is adapted to children is Disney Sleeping Beauty or Sleeping Beauty, which is in its original full brutal. In the original, the Italian version of Giambattista Basile from the 1634th, titled the Sun, Moon and Talia, Sleeping Beauty, and Thalia actually was raped while she was sleeping, and during this time had two children named Sun and the Moon, which made her king. After her one of the two children removed a piece of linen from the finger for which he was asleep, it wakes from sleep and finds out what really happened. Several months later, the king returned to the castle thinking it will again be able to take advantage of Sleeping Beauty, but to his surprise she is awake. On her decision to admit their wrongdoing and they end up making love again. Soon the king's smurfs 3d wife learned of her husband's infidelity and ordered that his children are kidnapped and cooked alive king for dinner. During dinner, smurfs 3d the king praised stew, and his wife says, "You eat what is your" smurfs 3d Humiliated, King threw the woman into the fire and learned that the chef, taking pity on the children, to actually put the goat stew. In the end, the king marries Sleeping Beauty and they live happily ever after.
There is a story adapted by Charles Perrault, scoring seven villas attending the baptism of little princesses and with gifts. Sixth gift was the gift of evil fairies, which began to be a girl with a sixteen years old die from bites spindles. Last fairy reverses the curse and prophesies that girl sleep centennial dream you will wake up when the prince kissed. However, Perrault does not stop there. It seems that he's put together two different stories in one, because after Sleeping Beauty wakes up, he continues the story. smurfs 3d Nobles stepmother, who pulls genes

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