Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Meni pomaga to, kot si napisala, da si operem scooby doo camp scare roke tik preden začnem z nanosom

Hi, girls! Today I wanted to talk about topic, with which many nail polish addicts face now in summer (and sometimes also in other seasons) - bubbling. scooby doo camp scare When I was writing post about She collection Glitters&Neons , I had huge problems with bubbles (because of formula) and I thought, why not to write post about this problem. Maybe some of you will find this post totally unnecessary, because you're aready familiar with facts, how to prevent bubbling, but I believe, that this post will help some of my readers. Specially, because scooby doo camp scare I have some friends, who totally ignore these facts and do everything opposite (e.g. shaking scooby doo camp scare polish). scooby doo camp scare These advices, I'm going to write in this post, are from my personal experience with bubbling. There can be a lot of reasons for bubbling : the heat (so try to paint your nails in the morning or evening, when it's not so hot), wetness, scooby doo camp scare thick formula of polish, scooby doo camp scare thick coats, oils and dirtiness scooby doo camp scare on your nails ...
If you'll shake a bottle before applying polish, is very possible, that the polish will make bubbles. I have one friend, that shakes every bottle, that she takes into her hands. That really frustrates me. Yes, some polishes do have a metal bead into them, but they have it, so that they wouldn't get thick very fast. It's better, if you roll a bottle between your hands. On lower photo you can see, what happens, if you shake a bottle (I used top coat, because it's transparent and it's better example than coloured nail polish) .
I'm one of those people, who prefer using thick coats, because I rather use 2 thicker coats than 3 thin. Well, that isn't a best idea, specially now in summer, because the heat influence on polish and it can bubble faster. If polish has too thick formula, try to use thinner to make it more liquidy (Misslyn has a thinner in a white plastic packaging). Don't use too thick coat of top coat.
Another thing, I like to do. Specially, when the top coat it's going to its end and becomes thicker. Then I like to use thicker coats (specially over nail art, because I don't want to smudge it), because it's hard to apply thin coats, and that can cause bubbling. The solution here is also thinner. I tested it with fast drying top coat and it doesn't influence on drying time, so feel free to use it. Or buy a new top coat (which I always do, I never finish scooby doo camp scare top coat till the last drop). :) Wait few minutes between coats, that they dry.
I think most of us do that, when polishing nails, but I can be impatient sometimes and I don't wait long enough, before applying second coat. If first coat isn't dry enough, that can also cause bubbles. This advice is connected with first advice. Don't use too thick coats. scooby doo camp scare If you'll use thin coats, they'll dry faster. And if you0re using fast drying top coat, your manicure will dry fast in the end. Source.
Wash your hands, before applying base coat. Some of you will may ask, why, because I know, some bloggers use hand cream, wait, that it sinks into a skin and then they use a base coat. Well, I tried that and it didn't work for me, because that always caused scooby doo camp scare bubbles. Now I use my hand cream and also an oil on my cuticles, wait that they sink into a skin and then I go and wash my hands. That way I remove oil and dirt from them. Then I use a base coat. 
Find a base coat, that will work for you. You're probably thinking here, what the hell is she saying. Well, every base coat doesn't work the same for every person. Last year I was using Essence 24/7 base coat, which was very praised in blogosphere, scooby doo camp scare but I had huge problems with it. It caused me bubbles with almost every manicure, so I never bought it again. The same goes with top coat. Maybe your top coat and base coat don't go along, scooby doo camp scare so try to find combination, that will work for you, Wait for your base coat to completely dry, before using a nail polish. Usually base coats dry fast, but again I'm saying from my personal experience, that sometimes I didn't wait long enough for base coat to dry and then my nail polish bubbled. Well, because I'm using fast drying top coat (which scooby doo camp scare I honestly recommend you, if you don't use it yet), I can take few minutes more with base coat. I usually wait for 15 minutes (then BC is certainly dry) or apply it one day before scooby doo camp scare doing my manicure (if I paint my nails in the morning, I use base coat in the evening). Example of polish, that bubbled now in summer scooby doo camp scare - here I used thicker coats of polish. So, these are my advices, what to do, if you want to avoid bubbling. They work for me. If I forgot something, please, let me know, how do you deal with bubbling. I hope, you find this post useful. Thank you for reading!
Meni pomaga to, kot si napisala, da si operem scooby doo camp scare roke tik preden začnem z nanosom laka. V bistvu scooby doo camp scare nimam kaj dodat na temo mehurčkov, si vse napisala =) Kar pa se tiče nadlaka, ki ostaja v 3/4 praznih flaškah, ko zberem dve enaki skoraj izpraznjeni flaški, zlijem enega v drugega, pa lahko uporabljam normalno naprej. Grozno scooby doo camp scare m

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