Wednesday, June 4, 2014

DEATH Syrian disney usa people reach 200,000 people in more than two years during the rule of the p

DEATH Syrian disney usa people reach 200,000 people in more than two years during the rule of the people's President Bashar al-Assad is said to be worse than death recorded in Palestine when Israel conquered the country. Cruelty is opening the eyes of many Syrian tragedy so much blood bathed in the limelight of the public, including national authorities, United States (U.S.) announced that it would attack Syria after the alleged disney usa use of chemical weapons. While the U.S. is still hedging their bets with the attack, numerous assumptions arose because there were allegations state a Third World War would break out of what is going on in the earth's prophets. There are also those who associate the condition disney usa with signs of the end times. disney usa Follow the Daily Herald reporter interview, NURULFATIHA kisses disney usa and photographer, Azmi ARYANTO preacher researcher with the Syrian disney usa issue, Ustad Karim Nazmi. The sequence of events in Syria, said the signs of the end. Whether disney usa or not the texts that can be associated with that assumption? Markers end of time mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. He repeated twice to say that there will be a great battle when war occurs, the camp of Islam most people are at a place called Ghouta Dimashq which means a large garden that surrounds the city of Damascus in Syria.
He said, in the garden there is a large city of Damascus said his name, the best place to stay when the Muslims. This marks the end of time. If we see in Syria today, most of the area so many mujahideen assembly. There are many other places too, but this place called the Prophet. In another hadith, the Prophet said; "Not going to happen until the Day of Resurrection in the city of Rome fell Amaq (Antioch Valley, southern Turkey) and in Dabiq (near Aleppo, Syria). Then came a team that blocks them from Medina, who is from the people of the earth option. And when they had rows and rows, he said, the Romans leave (do not you stop) between us and the people who broke away from us (which is Islam) for us to fight. Then the Muslims said, By Allah, we will not let you fight against our brothers. And when they (Al-Mahdi and his followers) had reached Syria, leave the Antichrist. And when they're getting ready to go to war, they are lined up neatly. Suddenly, during prayer time inside, came Jesus Ibn Maryam as "(Narrated by Muslim from Hadrat Abu Hurairah RA). Wallahua'lam, based on the hadith, if true the United States to attack Syria, they will be in the area that is on the sea coast. If that it the case, meaning the army of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO) and the Romans will come to the beach in attacks across Syria. The Prophet said, Allah will send an army of Mujahideen from the city of Damascus will move towards the Dabiq and later the war there. disney usa So many times the final battle will take place the shopping mall Syria and Syria. Why focus on the country in the Syria? There may be several factors. In terms of area, it is strategically and geographically Syria connect land relations between Syria and Europe, Africa and Asia. Second, Jesus the U.S. is going down in Syria based on the hadith of the Prophet. He said Prophet Isa will descend on the eastern side of the White Tower Damascus. If you look at the picture, disney usa it is not minarets, but an old market in an old city. Here many Christians. They also already know these things and get ready to celebrate Jesus U.S.. That's why the earth so the focus of many Syrians, disney usa including the Shia religion, Christianity, Judaism, other Muslims. Also a focus for Imam Mahdi will greet U.S. descent of Jesus in Damascus as was mentioned in the hadith that the Prophet Jesus will descend on the White Tower during dawn prayers and greeted the Imam Mahdi. What happened disney usa before the Mahdi appears? Before disney usa the user of the Mahdi, the Prophet Muhammad said, there will be killing three children where they fight caliph treasure in the Temple, Mecca. I'm not sure what's direbutkan, but all three of them did not work. So a great slander among Muslims themselves, until the Mahdi emerges. Imam Mahdi is a descendant of the Prophet disney usa Muhammad and his name is the same as the name of the prophet, Muhammad bin Abdullah. He will appear in Makkah when strong defamation and dibai'ah hit the corner of the Temple with the tomb of the Prophet Ibrahim AS. Later. Imam Mahdi will lead the mujahideen moved to Syria. When he arrived in Syria, the Antichrist is already out and its main purpose is to fight the Antichrist. When Prophet Isa down, his main task is to kill the Antichrist. At that time, the Antichrist is already around the world to meros

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