Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Improbable assuming that a good part of the commentators are adults and have been employed at least

Ngjela explodes: This government do not deserve the status, I know not to make reforms | Journal Web
"Did you hear the refusal of the Netherlands? Disaster for the country. And all, for the folly of this government. Reforms do not know. Deal with things that do not matter happy feet 2 movie at all for Albanian democracy and development. What optimism happy feet 2 movie should talk ... for the kids of Rama? "Ngjela wrote in one of his statuses on the social network.
"The IMF does not mean folklore, but America. No penny will not give the IMF and World Bank this government. But behold, happy feet 2 movie this thing, in Tirana today, what are the IMF and World Bank, the taxi drivers know, of course they are folk, simple people, but so everyone happy feet 2 movie knows it ... "said Ngjela in about what is being discussed much these days, preparation and support required by the government for the 2014 draft. happy feet 2 movie
"The status, money means. Whom to give money Netherlands or Germany? Give them a government that has lasted for four months and makes about as reforms to combat megavjedhjen Berisha domain? Kalamajve to give some who know nothing of the finances? Or give them to a prime minister who seeks self chemical weapons, American policy introduces happy feet 2 movie a ridiculous flow and then says that 'allows people gave me'? Why, these europianizojnë expects them to Albania? No mo, these are ... well, let's stick to the Orient ... But Albanians are innocent and unlucky in these modern times ... "said Ngjela.
Spartak Ngjela normal to be this outrage, has been leading the opposition happy feet 2 movie struggle for 6-7 years in a row and finally overlooked if it were an anonymous Meta-Rama. Anatemoni not because he has never been one of the most ardent fighters against Sali Berisha, was the voice of thousands and thousands of Albanians happy feet 2 movie and articulate allegations that Rama and the Socialist Party said sotto voce or had no courage to declare at all.
Improbable assuming that a good part of the commentators are adults and have been employed at least one time in your life know that you experience is the key to success in a company or enterprise. Indeed we can offer companies new talented, but without happy feet 2 movie knowing naturen of business activity, everything remains just "adventure". The ears on top of Customs and Taxation 2 people without any experience in that profession day is a big adventure. I'm sure the money would not have had the opportunity to see a customs declaration happy feet 2 movie and the second a tax bill until you became the director and this is a big handicap that all stakeholders happy feet 2 movie (payers, financial institutions, consultants, Tax workers) can not easily digest. I do not for jealousy, it's just my desire to move things ahead for good in this country and the experts happy feet 2 movie that they be on hand to take the economy towards normality and why not increase welfare Albanians. Even Ngjela not mean that everything has to improvise or simply anger the moment. Normally a man with extensive knowledge he is in a relationship with field specialists working in state institutions and they normally complain about young directors or ministers who have come. Not all young people are about to share, but there are plenty of room for criticism in selecting them. I wish to Leigh Rama aside imaging experiments and government side, bringing the personal betting specialists before you toss with anonymous people or that has remained from 2005 timepiece is the best way for him to discolored site Albania and to give you as much trumbetohet meritocracy. Spartak Ngjela saves my personal respect for everything made in opposition to the rule against Sali II. It was my voice, my family and all those thousands of Albanians who believe in a better Albania.
if no spinal column to close gojen.ku he finds the courage to Government happy feet 2 movie was voted out of 1 million shqiptare'qeveri kalamanjsh. 'as is read in the theme that Austria has the post of foreign minister a 27vjecar, they are not even dance the more Ngjele.ruajna played by people such god.
You do not blame you, TAKU, that are washed brains of Spaç IN PRISON! The fair had somewhat Rama did not minister to thee, O worthless charlatan! Yes Holland has spoken with time against awarding the status for Albania this enormity is Berisha clique! How to accept Holland, when he hears that Albania has a fascist opposition, calling for coups, to overthrow governments HOW bust of Lenin in Kiev etc.?? What it wants from the new government, O thou quack, when Berisha left EMPTY state treasury, as he left maloku NEXT Ahmet Zogolli in April 7, 1939??? So leaving the country bumpkin and sellers to SERIES! And you supported us these ZABERHANE, one

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